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busy busy busy!

Mrs. Terry of Hat
Ron Swanson
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1busy busy busy! Empty busy busy busy! 2010-12-30, 17:49



i leave to go home to Washington state in two weeks, so i am spending most of my time packing stuff that has accumulated in the past 5 months into boxes and shipping it up to the boyfriend. i am continuing to heal after the whole surgery ordeal two weeks ago, and i can't wear anything but frickin' yoga pants and stretchy stuff because my sutures get all pissy *eyeroll*

in between all that i have to try and see all of my family before i leave, plus my friends, and of course i have to smooch on my niece and nephews before i go, so i will be sporadic throughout the next two weeks :'(

today is packing day, tomorrow is shipping day, and i have a Dr.'s appointment to set up. it isn't even 2 o'clock yet and i am ready for a nap.

2busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2010-12-30, 17:51



I will be busy during the Chinese New Year, instead of the Solar New Year.

Gonna try to be in peace unlike the Christmas time.

3busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2010-12-30, 17:52



*Pukes in storms House*

Sorry dude

Also you cant wear Skirts or whatever Heebsy?

4busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2010-12-30, 18:09

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I hate having to move! you need to find some big strong guy to help you move heebs my dear.

5busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2010-12-30, 18:11



Or 3 Sort of Strong Skinny Dudes can move most things as well Very Happy

6busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2010-12-30, 18:47



i don't own any skirts, Frosty Sad i only wear jeans and such, i have always been uncomfortable in dresses/skirts.

and i am not really moving, per-say... but, i suppose it could be considered as such, since i have been away from my boyfriend in WA and in CA with my family for the better part of 5 months >.> my boyfriend is about ready to kill me at this juncture lol

poor guy.

7busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2010-12-30, 18:48



Piemasterjelly wrote:*Pukes in storms House*

Sorry dude
busy busy busy! Yosuga20no20Sora20-201220-20Large2017

8busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2010-12-30, 18:49



Heebs wrote:i don't own any skirts, Frosty Sad i only wear jeans and such, i have always been uncomfortable in dresses/skirts
busy busy busy! 1102196615-26-06

9busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2010-12-30, 18:50



i know, Stormy Crying or Very sad most unfeminine of me.

10busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2010-12-30, 19:17



Heebs, you sound like a Bokononist.

11busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2010-12-30, 19:45



what is a Bokononist? i have never heard of this term before >.>

12busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2010-12-30, 22:03



Its okay i dont think i know any girls that own actual Skirts unless you count Denim mini Skirts

13busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2010-12-30, 22:16



You know my Frostybread. I own a few a skirts. I just don't wear them lol

14busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2010-12-30, 22:18



I think the Current hot fashion here is Denim Hotpants though

Nearly every girl i saw at the mall today was wearing them and there was even one guy *Shudders*

15busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2010-12-30, 22:48


I knew a girl who would only wear skirits even when it was 20 out... She was really religious tho so i guess that had something to do with it.

16busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2010-12-30, 22:55



Lol funny listening to my Dad complain about the Heat while im sitting next to him perfectly happy in a Sweatshirt Very Happy

17busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2010-12-30, 23:21

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Heebs, I will be thinking of you while I'm packing, haha. also, I love skirts...I have like four peasant skirts that I live in when it's warm out, haha.

18busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2010-12-30, 23:23



Lol its so Weird i always think of you as Older than Sheep and Heebs Im really sorry please dont hurt me

19busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2010-12-30, 23:26



Mrs. Terry of Hat wrote:Heebs, I will be thinking of you while I'm packing, haha. also, I love skirts...I have like four peasant skirts that I live in when it's warm out, haha.
I don't have to despair anymore about the dying skirt trend anymore!

20busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2010-12-30, 23:27

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Haha! It's cause I'm married isn't it? I always get that cause I'm married xD Plus I might as well be a fourty-year-old anyways, with my exciting life as a preschool teacher. Bed at 10, wake up, go to work, go to bed, go to work. Repeat cycle xD

21busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2010-12-30, 23:34



I dont know being a Pre school teacher sounds fun also im not being Sarcastic i just find little kids hilarious

22busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2010-12-30, 23:46



the weird thing is, i wore skirts and dresses all the time when i was a little kid. but then i hit 9-10, and i was like, skirts/dresses are evil, and i haven't really worn them since.

23busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2010-12-30, 23:47



Yeah i havent Worn a Dress since i was a little kid either Rolling Eyes

24busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2010-12-30, 23:59



Piemasterjelly wrote:Yeah i havent Worn a Dress since i was a little kid either Rolling Eyes
busy busy busy! GundamUC01PSN1280x720DivX68505799318-31-30

25busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2010-12-31, 00:09



It was one time as a Joke and it made my Butt look Big!

26busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2010-12-31, 00:42



Mrz Hat - sounds like my life. Bed at 10, off to work, rinse and repeat.

27busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2010-12-31, 00:48



You forgot hanging out on the SexBox Very Happy

28busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2010-12-31, 01:08



Well of course. And here. And then there is laundry, dishes, cleaning, cleaning, laundry, dishes, cooking, eating, cooking, strangling boyfriend. That sort of stuff. Not much time to get out and DO things though. Except today... and Saturday (holy crap two Saturdays in a month! wheee) and possibly Monday.

29busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2010-12-31, 01:10



sheep wrote:strangling boyfriend
busy busy busy! KoharubiyoriOVAEP01-03x264AAC2ST-GAP01837623-01-38

30busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2010-12-31, 01:13



It's his own damn fault. Sometimes he opens his mouth and stupid just falls right out of it. So I have to punish him. Severely. I call it the Homer method. =P

31busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2010-12-31, 01:15



busy busy busy! 125846752521951779

32busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2010-12-31, 01:17



StormEye wrote:busy busy busy! 125846752521951779

^This = Laughing <3

Good job Stormy.

33busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2010-12-31, 01:31

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Im posting in this topic so I accumulate karma for todays inactivity.

34busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2010-12-31, 02:46



Lol Dont Strangle him Sheepy tell him youll sick Heebs on his ass!

35busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2010-12-31, 09:28



He's not afraid of her. He just laughs when she verbally abuses him. Those two together is actually very humorous.

36busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2010-12-31, 13:36



i was gonna say the same thing, sheepie's bf is not afraid of me in the slightest lol

37busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2011-01-01, 17:15



Was he dropped as a baby?

38busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2011-01-01, 21:50



Heebs birthday ideas:
Really short mini-skirts.
V cut hot pants.
Baby oil.

39busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2011-01-01, 21:51

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Crotchless pantyhose, man.

40busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2011-01-01, 22:00



Lol Metal

And Greg im just speechless for once

41busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2011-01-01, 22:09

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Then my work here is done, man.

42busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2011-01-01, 22:11



Dont worry i hardly stay like that for long

43busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2011-01-01, 22:13

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I've noticed, man. You talk too fucking much.

44busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2011-01-01, 22:15



Says the Dude Talking just as much as i am Very Happy

45busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2011-01-01, 22:21

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Takes one to know one, man.

Meanwhile, I just had a power short while watching hockey. WTF, man...

46busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2011-01-01, 22:23



Lol You mean Ice Hockey Very Happy

Because Land hockey is mostly a girls game here

47busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2011-01-01, 22:31

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Piemasterjelly wrote:Lol You mean Ice Hockey Very Happy

Because Land hockey is mostly a girls game here

Or course I mean ice hockey, man. I'm Canadian.

On a side note, we're killing the opposition today and a pretty brutal fistfight just broke out...

48busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2011-01-01, 22:33



Canadians are afraid of the Dark Very Happy

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49busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2011-01-01, 22:36

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

It's because we miss our hockey games, man.

50busy busy busy! Empty Re: busy busy busy! 2011-01-01, 22:37



Just keep telling yourself that

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