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AC: Brotherhood Again

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1AC: Brotherhood Again Empty AC: Brotherhood Again 2011-01-03, 17:59




The only complaint I have is that my map isn't expanding fast enough. I can't get to the rest of the Borgia towers because they are behind a memory block. Pissing me off most severely.

And I can't find a way to access the cheats. And I'm having a hard time telling which shops I've upgraded and which ones I haven't. I don't want to go to each one in turn just to make sure. That would take way too long.

Other than that... I think the few tweeks and advancements they've made for it are pretty bad ass and it's making me really excited for 3. There is a 3 right? But this game is a much!

I hated the first one, I never finished playing it. But I always wished there was more Altair. He was just awesomesauce.

2AC: Brotherhood Again Empty Re: AC: Brotherhood Again 2011-01-03, 18:04



Lol i read that in a really fast voice like you were tweaked on Coffee Very Happy


1.Borgia towers are only like that because for every one you destroy your able to recruit a new assassin

2.Cheats are only Accessible while replaying memories and can be activated in the options menu

3.Shops that havent been Upgraded are greyed out on the mini map

4.Never Sell that random loot stuff you get from Treasure Chests you need it for shop quests and its best just to keep everything

5.Upgrading the Thieves Guild and the Courtesans to max rank gives you a good dagger and a good sword at the start of the game and Maxing out the Assassins gives you Altairs blade the best sword in the game

3AC: Brotherhood Again Empty Re: AC: Brotherhood Again 2011-01-03, 18:05



I quit the first one too because it was the same ole shit over and over again. Good premise for a game but so tedious.

4AC: Brotherhood Again Empty Re: AC: Brotherhood Again 2011-01-03, 18:08



I dont know the First AC annoyed me because the way the world was set up

5AC: Brotherhood Again Empty Re: AC: Brotherhood Again 2011-01-03, 19:04



I didn't seen an option for cheats in options. But then again, I wasn't replaying a memory. How do you upgrade the guild houses again? I already talked to the architect once. Can you do it again? At any time?

All the little markers look the same shade of gray to me. ><

I've got all the assassin recruits I can have so far, I think. The rest are locked. Memory needs to start expanding!

I learned not to sell everything a little too late, but that's ok. I know now and have stopped.

Annnd you read that in the right voice because I was typing a mile a minute because I've had way too much fucking caffeine today. WAY TOOOOO MUCH!


6AC: Brotherhood Again Empty Re: AC: Brotherhood Again 2011-01-03, 19:12



To upgrade your Guilds you have to do Challnges for them just open up your DNA sequence thingy majig and scroll to the right until you come to guild challenges

Their are like 3 levels

Level 1-Makes them Cheaper to Hire
level 2-Gives them Special Abilitys like Thieves can pickpocket and i think Courtesans become like Kick ass fist fighters lol
level 3-Gives you a Weapon Belonging to the Master of the Guild La Volpes Bite,Marias Dagger or Bartolemeos Axe

7AC: Brotherhood Again Empty Re: AC: Brotherhood Again 2011-01-03, 19:13



Oh how coooool. I'll have to check that out. Thinking of stealing the tv from the boyfriend right now.

8AC: Brotherhood Again Empty Re: AC: Brotherhood Again 2011-01-03, 19:16



You should try the Check out this Video Technique

You pull up a random Youtube vid and say Hey check this out

And when he leaves the Area immediately surrounding the TV steal it from him

9AC: Brotherhood Again Empty Re: AC: Brotherhood Again 2011-01-05, 22:33



If you dont want to replay the first Sequence, I recommend getting the achievements for Dust to Dust (finding an artifact in 2012) before you beat the game. You can't leave the animus after beating the game so I had to make a new game and replay the first sequence. This applies for the E-mail achievment too but you probably should already have that. Of course this doesnt matter if you dont go for achievements.Also the multiplayer is amazing. It's all I play now (way better than cod). (And is there any fucking way to make paragraphs on these forums???)

Last edited by Crunchy on 2011-01-05, 23:08; edited 1 time in total

10AC: Brotherhood Again Empty Re: AC: Brotherhood Again 2011-01-05, 22:57

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

i usually space bar it 3 times

11AC: Brotherhood Again Empty Re: AC: Brotherhood Again 2011-01-05, 23:10



Everytime I hit space it doesnt do anything in the final post.

12AC: Brotherhood Again Empty Re: AC: Brotherhood Again 2011-01-05, 23:28



Hit enter or return instead of space bar. Ack, spoilers *hides*

Whats this email this you speak of? And is there any point to leaving the animus?

13AC: Brotherhood Again Empty Re: AC: Brotherhood Again 2011-01-06, 00:21



sheep wrote:Hit enter or return instead of space bar. Ack, spoilers *hides*

Whats this email this you speak of? And is there any point to leaving the animus?
lol I meant enter instead of space. It doesnt work. But ya if you leave the animus you can view emails (pointless but achievement), talk to the gang (they usually have things to say after every sequence), and get artifacts (another achievement).

14AC: Brotherhood Again Empty Re: AC: Brotherhood Again 2011-01-06, 00:35



To find out if a shop is renovated or not, renovated ones are white, while non renovated are greyish and see through.

And ya, cheats are only in memories you 100% sync, and can be activated when you replay.

As for Borgia towers, just keep going to the memory start points.

15AC: Brotherhood Again Empty Re: AC: Brotherhood Again 2011-01-06, 01:53



Lol Funniest coneversation

Whats a Matter you Altair Very Happy

16AC: Brotherhood Again Empty Re: AC: Brotherhood Again 2011-01-06, 01:59



Lost I is.

17AC: Brotherhood Again Empty Re: AC: Brotherhood Again 2011-01-06, 02:50



Exit the Animus and Interact with the Statue of Altair

18AC: Brotherhood Again Empty Re: AC: Brotherhood Again 2011-01-06, 03:58



There is artifacts to be had outside the animus?

I have a hell of a time with the kill streak ones, where supposedly after you kill someone, and you hit LS then X you auto kill the next person - never seems to work for me. Keep trying it for... the battle at the bridge where you are trying to give the lady of Forli (?) time to escape, so not happening for me.

Huh, enter works for me on my comp, and return on my phone. Maybe you is brokened Crunchy.

19AC: Brotherhood Again Empty Re: AC: Brotherhood Again 2011-01-06, 04:08



Lol you should have heard me raging at that sheepy

But it only works on Counter kills

20AC: Brotherhood Again Empty Re: AC: Brotherhood Again 2011-01-06, 04:13



I tried that too. And once it seems like I'm getting it to work, the bigger type guards come and screw me all up. ><

21AC: Brotherhood Again Empty Re: AC: Brotherhood Again 2011-01-06, 04:33



You can Counter kill during the Spree and not break the Streak

I suggest doing it with the Hidden blades and raging everytime one of those fucking douchebag guards does an Unblockable Grab on you ruining the streak

22AC: Brotherhood Again Empty Re: AC: Brotherhood Again 2011-01-06, 13:56



I suck having battles with the hidden knife. Maybe I'll try a smoke bomb and then "assassinate" everyone and see if that helps.

23AC: Brotherhood Again Empty Re: AC: Brotherhood Again 2011-01-06, 16:17



Smoke bomb doesnt work it takes to long and doesnt go towards Kill sprees

24AC: Brotherhood Again Empty Re: AC: Brotherhood Again 2011-01-06, 21:05



Piemasterjelly wrote:Thats why I like to take off my pants and dance to Abba

What? scratch

Last edited by Metalzoic on 2011-01-06, 22:47; edited 1 time in total

25AC: Brotherhood Again Empty Re: AC: Brotherhood Again 2011-01-06, 22:46



1.If your going to make Fake quotes about me at least put them in green Very Happy


26AC: Brotherhood Again Empty Re: AC: Brotherhood Again 2011-01-06, 22:48



Damn! The green didn't even occur to me (fixed!). It's obvious that's what your avatar is listening to.

27AC: Brotherhood Again Empty Re: AC: Brotherhood Again 2011-01-06, 23:16



Your just Jealous im a Dancing Queen Bitch Very Happy

28AC: Brotherhood Again Empty Re: AC: Brotherhood Again 2011-01-07, 00:37

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Piemasterjelly wrote:Your just Jealous im a Dancing Queen Bitch Very Happy

A queen you are, man. Finally, all suspicions confirmed.

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