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 » The Lounge » Archives » dooms!


Epyk MD
7 posters

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1dooms! Empty dooms! 2011-01-03, 21:46

Epyk MD

Epyk MD


2dooms! Empty Re: dooms! 2011-01-03, 21:47

Epyk MD

Epyk MD


3dooms! Empty Re: dooms! 2011-01-03, 21:49


Sup baby. Sorry I missed this.

Note: I call everyone baby sometimes. Like not in a *** way, but in a Sammy Davis Jr kinda way.

4dooms! Empty Re: dooms! 2011-01-03, 22:08

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

No worries snookums

5dooms! Empty Re: dooms! 2011-01-03, 22:10



Dig it baby.

"hey baby welcome to the tops"

i would make a comment behind your back, but i aint a fink, dig?

6dooms! Empty Re: dooms! 2011-01-03, 22:20

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

scratch hmmm maybe I need to read up on my 50's slang to understand tallness' last post
study study study

7dooms! Empty Re: dooms! 2011-01-03, 22:24

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

1fnbighen wrote:Dig it baby.

"hey baby welcome to the tops"

i would make a comment behind your back, but i aint a fink, dig?

You ain't a what, man?

8dooms! Empty Re: dooms! 2011-01-03, 22:29


1fnbighen wrote:Dig it baby.

"hey baby welcome to the tops"

i would make a comment behind your back, but i aint a fink, dig?

Phooey, you're a rat fink and I'm not just jerkin yer chain.

9dooms! Empty Re: dooms! 2011-01-03, 22:34

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Will someone start speaking fucking English here, man!?!?!?!?!

10dooms! Empty Re: dooms! 2011-01-03, 22:42



I shot Benny Right in the face as soon as his guards left

Karmas a Bitch aint she?

11dooms! Empty Re: dooms! 2011-01-04, 11:31



Dick pickle ponies lack the proper vocal chords for normal speech...

12dooms! Empty Re: dooms! 2011-01-04, 12:30

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

What, that weird thing can't speak normally? Are you sure, man?

13dooms! Empty Re: dooms! 2011-01-04, 13:22



youve never played fallout new vegas havent you guys...

metal you're the old guy round here you should understand this stuff.

lol jk

14dooms! Empty Re: dooms! 2011-01-04, 13:42

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Nope, and never will, man.

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