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check this shit out.

Ars Diaboli
Ninian Marie
Dropped Da Soap
Epyk MD
11 posters

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1check this shit out. Empty check this shit out. 2011-01-12, 02:50

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

we are 4th.
now check out our member count compared to the top 3

Last edited by MD Awesome on 2011-01-12, 02:52; edited 1 time in total

2check this shit out. Empty Re: check this shit out. 2011-01-12, 02:51

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Wow. All I can say is wow.

3check this shit out. Empty Re: check this shit out. 2011-01-12, 02:52

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

number one xbox fofum

4check this shit out. Empty Re: check this shit out. 2011-01-12, 02:54

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

number one in gaming in general

check out our points compared to number two

5check this shit out. Empty Re: check this shit out. 2011-01-12, 02:54

Ninian Marie

Ninian Marie

I don't get it. What do the points or members have to anything with?

6check this shit out. Empty Re: check this shit out. 2011-01-12, 03:27



By next year we will be on top Very Happy

7check this shit out. Empty Re: check this shit out. 2011-01-12, 03:30



check this shit out. 20090726190956_gus346

check this shit out. Konata

8check this shit out. Empty Re: check this shit out. 2011-01-12, 03:33



Although sometimes im lazy and like being on the bottom Very Happy

9check this shit out. Empty Re: check this shit out. 2011-01-12, 03:34

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap


10check this shit out. Empty Re: check this shit out. 2011-01-12, 03:35

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

i dont understand how we got number 1 in gaming but 4th in videogames since its a subcat of gaming....but im not gonna argue

11check this shit out. Empty Re: check this shit out. 2011-01-12, 03:39



Were just cool like that lol

12check this shit out. Empty Re: check this shit out. 2011-01-12, 04:03

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Edit: Never mind.

Pretty good, considering it's such a young forum.

I'll have to stop trolling GameFAQs. I'll just dirt up your name Laughing

13check this shit out. Empty Re: check this shit out. 2011-01-12, 04:11

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I know; I was blown away, there are over 50000+ forums hosted by forumotion. And we are number 1 in one of their only 20ish catagories.

I still havnt even started on the content pages yet, those could bring us in alot of search engine traffic.

14check this shit out. Empty Re: check this shit out. 2011-01-12, 09:33



It's because we're so awesome.

Because I'm here.

15check this shit out. Empty Re: check this shit out. 2011-01-12, 09:42



Thats nice to see. We definitly have a lievely crowd that keeps thigs moving.

16check this shit out. Empty Re: check this shit out. 2011-01-12, 11:08



Very cool Epyk. Your baby is growing big and tall!

17check this shit out. Empty Re: check this shit out. 2011-01-12, 12:50


Ninian Marie wrote:I don't get it. What do the points or members have to anything with?

Because we have such a small amount of members compared to them yet our messages and topics are pretty much up there with them.

This is pretty surprising.

18check this shit out. Empty Re: check this shit out. 2011-01-12, 12:56



I think the fact that we had a tight-knit group from GFAQs when SeC was created really helped. This place had a better start than most other forums do when they're first established.

Still, very impressive. Also, surprising considering how few members we have compared to the others.

19check this shit out. Empty Re: check this shit out. 2011-01-12, 14:47

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i think me and gregs food topic helped XD

20check this shit out. Empty Re: check this shit out. 2011-01-12, 14:50



Raoul Duke wrote:I think the fact that we had a tight-knit group from GFAQs when SeC was created really helped. This place had a better start than most other forums do when they're first established.

Still, very impressive. Also, surprising considering how few members we have compared to the others.

Yes with such a large bunc we where able to hit the ground running! I think it is what has also kept this place going as well!

21check this shit out. Empty Re: check this shit out. 2011-01-12, 14:54



What's the points system based on? I dont understand that?

Good fucking job by the way, if the site starts getting search engine traffic then it'll really be on top.

Right now, how I get here (at work) is typing "mr dr awesome" in google. It leads to some thread then I just nav from there.

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