So I tried flying the Hind for the first time on Heavy metal and I can say that I really don't care for it for some reason, now I've never gunned from it but according to my partner he says it fires as sluggish as it moves. To me I feel like I'm flying a freaking bolder, the Blackhawk at least to me felt more responsive, though trying to be fair to both door gunners on the blackhawk can be a little annoying.
Any experienced chopper pilots able to help me out here as far as the pro's and cons of either or what you prefer?
As far as I can say is that the Hind would seem to be better suited to annoy tanks since its gun hits harder, as for the blackhawk, target saturation is what will keep the infantry scurrying around like panicking ants, not to mention the fact that you have two gunners I suppose.
Any experienced chopper pilots able to help me out here as far as the pro's and cons of either or what you prefer?
As far as I can say is that the Hind would seem to be better suited to annoy tanks since its gun hits harder, as for the blackhawk, target saturation is what will keep the infantry scurrying around like panicking ants, not to mention the fact that you have two gunners I suppose.