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I am not a patient person.

Mrs. Terry of Hat
Ron Swanson
The Adli Corporation
11 posters

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1I am not a patient person. Empty I am not a patient person. 2011-01-13, 18:58



So long story short:

My roommate comes home from work yesterday. Four or five months of gripes comes boiling to the surface at once. I scream my damn head off at her. I nearly gave her a panic attack. It was completely out of line on my end. After I calmed down, I went and told her that I'd like to apologize whenever she has a minute (she was on the phone at the time).

She wouldn't come out of her room all night. She comes out at 9:30ish and goes out with her friends. Before she leaves she asks me if I'm going to be here at 5:30 the next day. I say yes. I assume this is when we'll hash out all our problems and I can get a chance to apologize.

I knock on the door. She's on the phone. Tells me to wait. I've been waiting half an hour. I'm getting angry with her, now. She's wasting my time. She told me 5:30. I could have been eating dinner with my parents, but I skipped that to apologize to her because I felt that bad. Now she doesn't have time for me.

I'm fucking VEXED.

2I am not a patient person. Empty Re: I am not a patient person. 2011-01-13, 18:59



Kick down her door, and then politely and calmly apologize when you walk in.

3I am not a patient person. Empty Re: I am not a patient person. 2011-01-13, 19:00



I read the post with the image of you avatar pic in my mind.


4I am not a patient person. Empty Re: I am not a patient person. 2011-01-13, 19:04

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

when you know shes not on the phone, stand in her doorway and dont let her leave until you have apologised to her.

then she cant avoid you or delay it or whatever.

5I am not a patient person. Empty Re: I am not a patient person. 2011-01-13, 19:11



What does she do that drives you so crazy?

6I am not a patient person. Empty Re: I am not a patient person. 2011-01-13, 19:33

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

thats rough man. I don't know if anything can really be done about it. you just have to be patient or risk getting upset about trying to apologize to her.

I feel you though. That would piss me off too. If I'm going to be man enough to apologize you should either take it or leave it, not string me along.

7I am not a patient person. Empty Re: I am not a patient person. 2011-01-13, 19:36



She does not contribute to the cleanliness of the house. Everyone else that lives here does their part. She does not. She doesn't even thank anyone for the shit they do. She doesn't even seem to realize that other people are doing these chores.
She doesn't even clean up after herself. She makes messes for other people.
Also, I'm allergic to cats, the lease says no cats, and she stole someone's cat and snuck it in her room three months ago. By doing this she basically told everyone else in the house that she didn't give a fuck about their opinions.
So I lost my temper when she drove into the driveway over the snow I was shoveling. Like she even deserved to park there, and she made the work more difficult for me by compacting the snow.

TLDR- she's an inconsiderate slob.

8I am not a patient person. Empty Re: I am not a patient person. 2011-01-13, 19:38



I am not a patient person. Tora+facepalm

9I am not a patient person. Empty Re: I am not a patient person. 2011-01-13, 19:39



BTW, it might seem crazy that I'm apologizing, but I'm pretty sure I scared the everliving shit out of her.

10I am not a patient person. Empty Re: I am not a patient person. 2011-01-13, 20:38



Don't apologise to her. From what I've heard about her over the last three months she needs the shit scared out of her so she might act right.

Good luck!

11I am not a patient person. Empty Re: I am not a patient person. 2011-01-13, 20:41

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

I'm gonna go with the kick the door down and apologize option.

12I am not a patient person. Empty Re: I am not a patient person. 2011-01-15, 06:19



or you could be like "So I herd you like fire! So I set your room on fire!" or something. But srsly why apologize.. You even called her an inconsiderate slob, if anything you should just shout at her more for being a bitch and ignoring you and avoiding it.

13I am not a patient person. Empty Re: I am not a patient person. 2011-01-15, 11:51


Boxxy wrote:or you could be like "So I herd you like fire! So I set your room on fire!" or something. But srsly why apologize.. You even called her an inconsiderate slob, if anything you should just shout at her more for being a bitch and ignoring you and avoiding it.

Shit ban thanks for the psycho input lmao.

But i see the point you dont want someone to be too scared of you. That way by apologizing she'll think his not mad at her anymore and maybe be more co-operative because she doesn't want him to freak out on her.

14I am not a patient person. Empty Re: I am not a patient person. 2011-01-15, 11:54



chunckylover53 wrote:
Boxxy wrote:or you could be like "So I herd you like fire! So I set your room on fire!" or something. But srsly why apologize.. You even called her an inconsiderate slob, if anything you should just shout at her more for being a bitch and ignoring you and avoiding it.

Shit ban thanks for the psycho input lmao.

But i see the point you dont want someone to be too scared of you. That way by apologizing she'll think his not mad at her anymore and maybe be more co-operative because she doesn't want him to freak out on her.

Lol sorry, I was bored but yeah I dont see her being co-operative really if she's trying to avoid him.

15I am not a patient person. Empty Re: I am not a patient person. 2011-01-15, 12:18


Well the ball is in her court now and honestly she can wait for your apology as long as she wants. Depending on how hateful the stuff is you said to her I don't blame her.

I understand she isn't a good housemate, but you totally gave her the upper hand based on your actions and unfortunately you have to deal with it until she feels she wants to come around.

In the meantime write her a letter detailing the problems you have with her and what she can do to fix them and slide it under her door.

16I am not a patient person. Empty Re: I am not a patient person. 2011-01-15, 12:42



The Dark Passenger wrote:Well the ball is in her court now and honestly she can wait for your apology as long as she wants. Depending on how hateful the stuff is you said to her I don't blame her.

I understand she isn't a good housemate, but you totally gave her the upper hand based on your actions and unfortunately you have to deal with it until she feels she wants to come around.

In the meantime write her a letter detailing the problems you have with her and what she can do to fix them and slide it under her door.

he has done that and told her a bunch of times of what she doesn't do and I am sure the other room mates have told her too.

17I am not a patient person. Empty Re: I am not a patient person. 2011-01-15, 12:58


If that's the case then it begs the question why this person is still there then.

18I am not a patient person. Empty Re: I am not a patient person. 2011-01-15, 13:07



The Dark Passenger wrote:If that's the case then it begs the question why this person is still there then.
less rent pay?

19I am not a patient person. Empty Re: I am not a patient person. 2011-01-15, 13:31


Boxxy wrote:
The Dark Passenger wrote:If that's the case then it begs the question why this person is still there then.
less rent pay?

Right. So perhaps it's time to search for a new roommate.

20I am not a patient person. Empty Re: I am not a patient person. 2011-01-15, 13:33



The Dark Passenger wrote:
Boxxy wrote:
The Dark Passenger wrote:If that's the case then it begs the question why this person is still there then.
less rent pay?

Right. So perhaps it's time to search for a new roommate.

what if it's one of the peoples girlfriend?

21I am not a patient person. Empty Re: I am not a patient person. 2011-01-15, 13:43


Then that person should be held accountable for their girlfriend's actions.

If all of these things in place are keeping the person from leaving and/or keeping this person from changing their behavior then that's ashamed.

The place you live should be the most comfortable place on earth for you and if there are people that are preventing it from being that then a change needs to happen.

I understand friendships are in play to some extent but you have to determine what's more important here. Also, you have to take a step back and look at the friendships at some point. If these people are your friends, yet don't respect the type of house you'd like to keep then it may be time to evaluate that friendship.

All easier said than done of course, but at this point I really don't see any other choice.

22I am not a patient person. Empty Re: I am not a patient person. 2011-01-15, 13:46



Then the primary decision is... to kick her in the penis?

I herd that does all sorts.

But don't listen to me.

23I am not a patient person. Empty Re: I am not a patient person. 2011-01-15, 13:48



24I am not a patient person. Empty Re: I am not a patient person. 2011-01-15, 14:01



Vote her off the Island, She is the Weakest link and that was my final answer.

Boom I just nailed 3 early 2000 games shows in a row!


25I am not a patient person. Empty Re: I am not a patient person. 2011-01-15, 14:28



TheGM wrote:Vote her off the Island, She is the Weakest link and that was my final answer.

Boom I just nailed 3 early 2000 games shows in a row!


Congrats man. and I need tips to get all this extra energy out of me.

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