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how do you feel about...

Epyk MD
7 posters

lighten up The SeC?

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1how do you feel about... Empty how do you feel about... 2011-01-21, 06:44

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Lightening up the place? Perhaps it would lighten the mood as well?

2how do you feel about... Empty Re: how do you feel about... 2011-01-21, 07:50



Honestly, I always go towards darker colors, but a different color scheme would be nice. Can you set it up so each member can have a different color scheme, just curious, some forums I;ve been on had the option?

3how do you feel about... Empty Re: how do you feel about... 2011-01-21, 07:58

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

If I had access to the php probably. But with out it im pretty limited.

4how do you feel about... Empty Re: how do you feel about... 2011-01-21, 08:02



OK, like I said, just curious.

5how do you feel about... Empty Re: how do you feel about... 2011-01-21, 16:49



I prefer darker colors myself but I would need to see it to say anything. Regardless as long as its not unicorns pissing rainbows it's all good.

6how do you feel about... Empty Re: how do you feel about... 2011-01-21, 16:51



Change may be good. The mood here lately has been a bit depressing. But I don't really blame the darkness.

7how do you feel about... Empty Re: how do you feel about... 2011-01-21, 16:54



This color scheme is easy on the eyes. Brighter forum colors cause a lot of eye strain, imo.

8how do you feel about... Empty Re: how do you feel about... 2011-01-21, 18:34



zachattack46 wrote:I prefer darker colors myself but I would need to see it to say anything. Regardless as long as its not unicorns pissing rainbows it's all good.

Dude, that would look fucking awesome.

9how do you feel about... Empty Re: how do you feel about... 2011-01-21, 18:42



ante87 wrote:This color scheme is easy on the eyes. Brighter forum colors cause a lot of eye strain, imo.

Agreed. A white background is like staring at a lightbulb.

10how do you feel about... Empty Re: how do you feel about... 2011-01-21, 22:14

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I think I just get restless as far as the SeC is concerned.
I have to put the waiting room on the back burner until I work out the java script errors( which khult may have done for me; have to wait till im off work to try) so graphics are the next best thing.

11how do you feel about... Empty Re: how do you feel about... 2011-01-22, 06:48



well you can have three schemes I thought like most forums can o.o This theme, a brighter theme and a robot unicorn theme/

12how do you feel about... Empty Re: how do you feel about... 2011-01-22, 06:51

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

i can save and switch them at will, but not make it so you guys can choose personally

13how do you feel about... Empty Re: how do you feel about... 2011-01-22, 07:05



Sad can you make it so it changes theme daily? Surprised

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