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 » The Lounge » Archives » Dice Fail

Dice Fail

Dropped Da Soap
The Adli Corporation
10 posters

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1Dice Fail Empty Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 18:28



I dont know if this was done on purpose or what-

At4 in Bc2= Tow missle in real life

The AT4 in this game is laser guided, but in real life you aim with the sights. Literally its just a more modern RPG. What gives? Why did they throw the guidance system on this launcher when it doesnt exsist in RL? Especially when everything else is so authentic. I know its a small detail.

2Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 18:29

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

balance probably. to give something to counter the smoke countering the tracers.

if the AT4 lost its guiding ability i would be PISSED.

3Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 18:33



Because 90% of users said the Javelin was OP Very Happy

4Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 18:36



Thats because a Javelin is Op! Its supposed to be lol. Its still the most beastly and devastating man held, portable launcher, and its not even close. The military hardly lets ANYONE shoot them.

5Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 18:39



Lol yeah my country made a big ass deal getting them for our Army a couple of years back

I like how on AA2 you have to go through Training to get one and the Training is all computer Simulation and you never get to fire a real one lol

6Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 18:45



Thats how they train in RL. Hours upon hours of simulations, then still only the top class member gets to fire one.

7Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 18:46



Exactly it makes Sense though those things cost like 50k per shot dont they?

8Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 18:48



Something like that. I think they cost like 300,000 to produce the launcher itself. Plus theres always the chancr of blowing your troops and self to hell if you fuck up lol.

9Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 18:52



Russians are best when it comes to equipment cost efficiency in war.

10Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 19:03

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

' all those years....CoD4 was wrong?

11Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 19:05



Us Americans love to blow cash on excessive artillary and arms. Its what we do Smile

12Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 19:09



Like 30 million dollar cruise missiles.

13Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 19:12



the world's most expensive fireworks show!

14Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 19:12

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

and microwave weapons.

although they are pretty fucking awesome...

15Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 19:13



During the zombie apocalypse America will be the last country standing for this reason alone lol. Plus over half of Americans own a gun. Plus the red necks in the south will be a force to be reckoned with Smile

16Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 19:16

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

america and sweden

sweden is crazy...

17Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 19:18



The thing about Sweeden though, its a rather small country with a high population density. Fighting zombies in those cramped quarters would be a bitch lol.

18Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 19:19

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

but with every man over 18 having to do national service and being legally obliged to own a rifle... i doubt that would be a problem...

19Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 19:22



You legally have to own a rifle in Sweeden? Wow I didnt know that. South Korea is another country that would fare well. Required military service as well for all men.

20Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 19:23

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i think its part of the national service, owning and maintaining a gun in case of emergency.

then they can just call you up when shit happens, and you have your gun ready in your house.

21Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 19:25



Canada will be the last hold out when a zombie apocalypse happens.

no huge urban centers (outside of lower Ontario) and its too cold for zombies anyway.

22Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 19:27



I suspect a ton of Americans would cross the border for that very reason. Plus I dont think climate effects zombies, they are in fact, dead.

23Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 19:27

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

as long as flights are grounded before zombies reach britain, we're pretty tight.

hang back, drink tea, send the RAF out. drink more tea.

we dont really have any weather capable of killing zombies. apart from 2 weeks in winter where nothing works properly Razz

24Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 19:29



I love how this thread turned from a military thread into the zombie apocalypse lol. Typical SeC Smile

25Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 19:33


If RE3 has taught me anything it's that you dont have to worry about zombies just watchout for nemesis jumping off of rooftops and shit :X.

26Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 19:33



I dont own any rifles, so I would probably need one just in case. Although I do love my hand guns.

27Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 19:35



Thats what the Javelin is for lol

Javelin vs. Nemesis =hamburger

28Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 19:39

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation


javelin x nemesis = hamburger
hamburger = javelin x nemesis


javelin = hamburger/nemesis

ok. i need 5 hamburgers and 5 nemesis's. if we divide them by each other we will get javelins and be able to blow shit up.


29Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 19:46



Ha I would stock pile mass amount of ammunition for the guns I own, and do my best to aqquire a rifle in the chaos. I would raid every store in town, take shit loads of water and canned foods. Take my family to the mountain. Then find shelter, set up a perimeter with allies, and hope for the best Smile

30Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 19:53



BTW are you guys mistakening Switzerland and Sweden?

Sweden is pretty big.

31Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 19:54




is that like waking up and realizing that at some point in time you had made a mistake?

32Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 19:54

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

AC+1 to lead lol!

33Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 19:57



Dice Fail Doh1

34Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 19:57

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

Where do you get the 5 nemesis's? Do McDonald's sell them now?

35Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 19:59

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

well its an optional side order with a supersized happy meal. only in participating stores though so its hard to track one down.

36Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 20:02



StormEye wrote:BTW are you guys mistakening Switzerland and Sweden?

Sweden is pretty big.

Yeah i think they are.

Sweden has a population density of 53 per square mile, with switzerland having 477 per square mile Very Happy

37Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 20:04



and in Sweden some say Gustav Halling is hailed as a god.

seriously have you seen his twitter pic? that is one sexy swedish person. too bad he ruined battlefield vietnam since according to him people can't stand to play a shooter game where they spend more than 10 seconds without seeing someone to shoot at.

and of course there should be map chokes.

38Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 20:04



Google is our friend. Good info zillah.

39Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 20:08



Whats ironic here is I started this thread about the AT4, then it turned into america and sweeden surviving the zombie apocalypse. The AT4 was developed by the Sweedes! Spooky Shocked

40Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 20:09



And then South Korea makes both of those places look like ghost towns with 1,200 people per square mile.

Ok, enough stats.

41Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 20:12

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i was talking about sweden.

sweden has too much chocolate to survive the zombie apocalypse. all the fat zombies will be drawn towards it.

42Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 20:21



More games need fat zombies for the lulz. Like house of the dead overkill.

43Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 21:12



Won't zombies start eating each other and those fat ones would go first?

44Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-22, 21:47



Ah China if yo fire a Rifle in any direction you choose you get +50 Points and you Violate the RoE Very Happy

45Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-23, 13:30



Symbolic wrote:I suspect a ton of Americans would cross the border for that very reason. Plus I dont think climate effects zombies, they are in fact, dead.

Zombies are dead people, people are mostly water. Water freezes. Zombies without any core heating or jackets would just freeze solid in canada.

46Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-23, 13:47



Symbolic wrote: Plus the red necks in the south will be a force to be reckoned with Smile

You're damn right we would be.

Also, have any of you seen the "Dirty Jobs" where he goes to that school that studies dead pigs that are placed outside to help determine how long it has been dead? Only two weeks outside and those things were looking pretty bad. Zombies wouldn't last long in the heat of the south.

47Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-23, 13:51



Voltaire wrote:
Symbolic wrote: Plus the red necks in the south will be a force to be reckoned with Smile

You're damn right we would be.

Also, have any of you seen the "Dirty Jobs" where he goes to that school that studies dead pigs that are placed outside to help determine how long it has been dead? Only two weeks outside and those things were looking pretty bad. Zombies wouldn't last long in the heat of the south.

That was indeed one of the dirtiest dirty jobs. Dealing with dead hogs? eeuugghh

48Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-23, 15:51

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I love Dirty Jobs. That show makes me respect mine so much more(and I hate mine with the fiery passion that is so hot it is only matched by the heat of Apokolips at times).

Also, +Awesome Cred to the 1st person who correctly tells me what Apokolips is WITHOUT GOOGLE.

49Dice Fail Empty Re: Dice Fail 2011-01-23, 16:11



All I know is it has something to do with Darkseid and Superman. I know this because I watch Smallville.

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