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Gotta love being a teacher.

Dropped Da Soap
Mrs. Terry of Hat
8 posters

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1Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-24, 22:02

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Just spent twenty minutes cutting out paper snowflakes for this song for circle time tomorrow that will probably last five minutes. Haha!

Everyone have a lovely day?

Missing you guys! I have way less free time here than I did in Columbus. Mostly because I have a social life here xD



You should have let the kids make the paper snowflakes what good are Slaves if you cant utilise them

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

We're making paper snowflakes and decorating them for art tomorrow, I just needed small ones for the kids to use for this song I found, haha. It's amazing how much more work I do at home than I actually do at work!



You should inform them about Internet Trolls because if you dont teach them nobody will!

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Haha! I will remember to work that into my lesson plan next week.



Really i suggest you get Bla to demonstrate what havok a good troll can wreak on an internet community Very Happy



My wife is a teacher, Ms. Hat so I feel some of your pain. Much better than trying to figure out how to reduce weight on a drilling platform...I envy you.



Make it out of Plastic and Ducttape Tex that would be really light

And instead of a Drill get some guy to suck the oil out with a bendy straw



Ha! Funny you say that because I saw a russian rig made out of wood. SO sad and very deadly.
Love your quotes in your sig BTW, Frost.

10Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-24, 22:30



Yeah i was thinking of changing them in a second Very Happy

11Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-24, 22:31



Oh god, I remember circle time.

12Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-24, 22:33



Whats Circle time where you sit around on the carpet?

We had a Primary school teacher teach us in Intermediate which i think is your middle school anyway trying to apply the same principles to Tweens as you do to 5 year olds got her ass Tortured lol

13Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-24, 22:38

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Circle time is when you sit on the carpet, yes, haha. Preschool is the best xD

14Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-24, 22:41



Yeah all those Cookies and Juice boxs lucky bastards Very Happy

15Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-25, 01:06

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I remember in 6th grade for like 6 weeks, three times a week we went down to the pre-tods and worked with them for a good hour and such. It was such easy work, spent 10-20 minutes working on crafts with them, or reading with them, then spent 20-30 minutes cleaning up while they all slept, and then doing nothing till it was time to go back to our classes.

Its also cool to, cause 6 years later that one kid I was assigned to I still talk to and hang out with every now and then.

16Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-25, 01:09



Is His name Justin Bieber Soap?

17Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-25, 01:57

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

No. I would kill that kid with my Omega Sanction if it was.

18Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-25, 02:00

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I'd be an awesome teacher.

I'd divide the class in two groups, with a red line dividing them.

The stupid group, and the smart group. You can't cross the line unless the teacher says so.

The smart ones would get normal tests, while I'd have the stupid ones color a boot or something. Then I would fail them no matter what and when they ask why the failed, I'd say that it's because they are stupid and proceed to point at them and laugh.

Of course, stupid students can't talk to smart ones. I don't want them rotting my elite students. The smart ones can talk to the stupid ones only to make fun of them.

Ah... I can just see it. It'll be awesome. Teacher life, here I come!

19Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-25, 02:07

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I think I love this guy./

20Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-25, 02:38



Silly Ars School already is divided like that its called Jocks and Nerds

21Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-25, 03:08

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Good point Frost.

22Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-25, 03:17



Although adding a Red lone might keep those Dumbshits away

23Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-25, 03:22

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Red Lone?

24Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-25, 03:25



Red line

Maybe a Thin Red Line Very Happy

25Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-25, 03:37

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Your a thin red line.

26Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-25, 03:43



What's this war in the heart of nature? Why does nature vie with
itself? The land contend with the sea? Is there an avenging power in
nature? Not one power, but two?

27Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-25, 03:47

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I've got two powers. I can run many times the speed of sound and light.
And I can go back in time and change small moments in time, without them altering the future.

For example, I killed Barry Allen's mother when he was a child. It didn't cause a time paradox at all. All it did was make his life miserable, and put his innocent father in prison for life.

I am the only person who is connected to the Speed Force who can do this. And boy do I love it.

28Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-25, 03:50



O wow you killed a Dudes mom you should get a medal

29Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-25, 03:52

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

No, I killed his mom without any disastrous affects to the future.

30Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-25, 03:53



Thats even better!

31Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-25, 03:58

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Exactly. The only affect it had on the future was instead of Barry Allen growing up and having a nice childhood with his family. He grew up alone, without a family, and miserable. And spent many of his adult years miserable.

That my friend, is a great deed.

32Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-25, 04:01



How did that not alter the Timeline you think he would be some sort of Gangster badass

33Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-25, 04:03

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

As I said. I am the only one who can alter moments in time, without changing the future dramatically.

34Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-25, 04:17




*Pimp slaps a Butterfly and changes the 31st century*

35Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-25, 04:19

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

See what you did? Now theres an oil refinery on the spot an orphange was supposed to be.

I like your style.

36Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-25, 04:20



The Butterfly Effect-We think its funny to set puppys on fire

37Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-25, 04:23

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Hey, burning yelping puppies is funny.

38Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-25, 04:50



That and Ashton Kutcher are the reason i hate that movie

39Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-25, 05:05

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Wait there is actually burning dogs in that movie?
Damn now I gotta watch that one too.

40Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-25, 05:18



Yes every 5 minutes a puppy is put in a bag and set on fire and thats not an Exaggeration

41Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-25, 05:31

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Woah...what movie is this?

42Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-25, 17:08



The Butterfly Effect

I hate that movie

43Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-25, 17:12



A lot of people seem to hate that movie with a passion. I think it's just because of Ashton Kutcher. I personally thought it was alright.

44Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-25, 17:14



Well that and the Puppy thing Very Happy

I really do hate Ashton Kutcher when hes trying to be serious

45Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-25, 17:18



Yeah with his roles in That 70's Show and Dude Where's My Car it's a little hard to take him seriously.

46Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-25, 17:20



Not to mention Punkd and the fact hes just behind Christian Bale in the Giant Fucking Douchebag scale

47Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-25, 17:28

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

What makes him a douchebag?

48Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-25, 17:31



Which one?

And what makes him not one?

49Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-25, 17:31



Have you seen him when he isn't in a movie?


He is such douchebag that he is 70% yeast infection.

Or something.

Lady parts are complicated.

50Gotta love being a teacher. Empty Re: Gotta love being a teacher. 2011-01-25, 17:38



Lady Parts arent complicated its all explained in my sig

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