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Help Me Choose

Ron Swanson
8 posters

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1Help Me Choose Empty Help Me Choose 2011-01-29, 13:53



May buy another game today (like I have time to play the ones I have)
So I need your help....

Left 4 Dead
Mass Effect
Dead Space

Seen much talk about all of the above so I don't know which to pick.
Right now I'm leaning towards Mass Effect.

2Help Me Choose Empty Re: Help Me Choose 2011-01-29, 13:56



L4D is fun but gets old after a few hours
DeadSpace never played it.... not a huge fan of grotesque horror games.

MASS EFFECT!!! if you like scifi stuff, and roaming the galaxy and trying to save ever living organism from certain DOOOM,, then you might like masseffect... I played the first one for about 36 hrs of play time. then played the 2nd for nearly as long...

3Help Me Choose Empty Re: Help Me Choose 2011-01-29, 13:59



Same here with the survival horror thing.
I'm a big sci-fi geek so Mass Effect is getting my attention. So which one, the first or second one? Might as well get them in order....

4Help Me Choose Empty Re: Help Me Choose 2011-01-29, 14:01

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Dead space is a great "grotesque horror" game though (because derp is right about that). It's resident evil meets star wars and it's fricken badass

5Help Me Choose Empty Re: Help Me Choose 2011-01-29, 14:01



ME1 and 2. read my other response for why...

The games are successive! so playing 1 isn't entirely necessary, BUTTTTT without knowing the story from ME1, ME2 will be confusing to you!!

GET BOTH and enjoy.

6Help Me Choose Empty Re: Help Me Choose 2011-01-29, 14:26



Soooooo? what'll it be my straw hatted texan friend??!!

7Help Me Choose Empty Re: Help Me Choose 2011-01-29, 14:29



mmmm...DO believe I'm gonna go with ME1 and see if I likes it before I get ME2.
I may wet my appetite with some vids and reviews, MUHAHAHA.

8Help Me Choose Empty Re: Help Me Choose 2011-01-29, 14:37



ME1 is a big upgrading your character and managing armors and weapon upgrades quite often for the upcoming fight.

It's fun but you have to like detailed games.

ME2 is the same game just toned down in the upgrades and managing system and upgrade in payability for combat!

Both great games and i'm shocked i didn't play them sooner!

9Help Me Choose Empty Re: Help Me Choose 2011-01-29, 15:56



ME2's combat gameplay is vastly updated compared to ME1.

10Help Me Choose Empty Re: Help Me Choose 2011-01-29, 16:12



If you play ME2 before playing ME1, you're committing a goddamn felony.

Buy ME1. It's cheap, it's good, you'll like it.

Some people have a problem with the difference in gameplay from ME1 to ME2.
There's less micromanagement of your inventory and less complex leveling up, but I don't see why that's a drawback, really. ME1 has a good amount of flaws, and as far as gameplay is concerned, I think ME2 fixed them.

Why have 1000 assault rifles to choose from when they all do the same thing?
Yeah, there's less weapons in ME2, but at least they all have a different feel and serve a different purpose.

Just buy both of them, and if you're disappointed in the difference between the two games, you'll get over it if you like the story enough.

11Help Me Choose Empty Re: Help Me Choose 2011-01-29, 16:16



Im with Cram(forgive me though i played ME2 first). I liked both, but in ME1, i got really annoyed with having a shit-ton of guns, and mods for guns, when only a few mods helped my style, and it got annoying trying to assign stuff to my squad.

12Help Me Choose Empty Re: Help Me Choose 2011-01-29, 16:19



I presume those whom played ME2 first before 1 would get utterly annoyed at combat system in 1.

13Help Me Choose Empty Re: Help Me Choose 2011-01-29, 16:20



I didnt really have a problem in 1 with the combat, but i dont really remember it.

14Help Me Choose Empty Re: Help Me Choose 2011-01-29, 16:24



I was a little annoyed when I played ME1's combat, and when later I played ME2 (well there is like an year break) I was enjoying it a lot. So, at least if I played ME2 before 1, then I would have been UTTERLY annoyed at the combat system.

15Help Me Choose Empty Re: Help Me Choose 2011-01-29, 16:37



What class were you? I was adept

16Help Me Choose Empty Re: Help Me Choose 2011-01-29, 16:37

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

if you want to, download the JC2 demo.

its a 20min timed demo, but you can play it as many times as you want and IIRC there are ways to stop the timer (see youtube)

the full game is pretty cheap too and its brilliantly fun and has so much piss-about potential.

17Help Me Choose Empty Re: Help Me Choose 2011-01-29, 16:38



Dang, I forgot.

I played through twice, once with Soldier, and other with something else...

18Help Me Choose Empty Re: Help Me Choose 2011-01-29, 16:40



I started a second play through on hardcore as soldier, but i dont want to take the time to play, cause of its inventory system.

19Help Me Choose Empty Re: Help Me Choose 2011-01-29, 18:54



Got Mass Effect and Armored Core: Nine Breaker (Nine Breaker was only $5)

20Help Me Choose Empty Re: Help Me Choose 2011-01-29, 18:58



Little Tip Tex if your on a Renegade playthrough be a women the Voice Acting is much better than an Evil male

21Help Me Choose Empty Re: Help Me Choose 2011-01-29, 20:53



You should get this game!


22Help Me Choose Empty Re: Help Me Choose 2011-01-29, 20:58



<iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen></iframe>

23Help Me Choose Empty Re: Help Me Choose 2011-01-29, 21:01



LMAO, Sheep! Don't remember that one. I do remember that commercial though.

24Help Me Choose Empty Re: Help Me Choose 2011-01-29, 21:01



I LOVE SPYRO! [swoon]

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