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First person cover system?

7 posters

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1First person cover system? Empty First person cover system? 2011-02-02, 21:15



I want to see a game where there is a cover system, but you stay in first person so you can't see everything that is going around in the battlefield. In real life you pretty much sacrifice vision for not getting your face shot off, so I'd like to see that reflected into games.

There's also the way suppression works, as far as I've seen. When the other guy is shooting, you can't stick your head up and shoot at him or see where he is without being shot. Suppressing fire doesn't really work if everyone can see what's going regardless of the fact that their head is being kept down.

2First person cover system? Empty Re: First person cover system? 2011-02-02, 21:47



play Medal of Honor. They had a FPS cover system in the SP. Perfect Dark Zero used one too, kind of.

3First person cover system? Empty Re: First person cover system? 2011-02-02, 22:15



Killzone 2 & 3.

4First person cover system? Empty Re: First person cover system? 2011-02-02, 22:40

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

project reality *cough *cough *cough*

5First person cover system? Empty Re: First person cover system? 2011-02-02, 22:42



Medal of Honor has a pretty nice cover system. Not too good and not bad. They also have some suppressive fire type stuff. Neither of those are in multiplayer.

Also, suppressive fire is really hard to get right in a game. For one thing, the people controlling the characters dont feel fear, what suppressive fire is centered around in the first place. There is one game where suppressive fire actually works in multiplayer. It was Americas Army, and the only reason it worked was you can bleed out after being shot, no health regen, and you had to wait till the next round starts to be respawn and each round was 10 mins. I have to say I loved that game and Im so mad my computer cant run the new version of it.

6First person cover system? Empty Re: First person cover system? 2011-02-03, 01:19



That sounds like a good idea.

I really hate the third person cover systems that let you see the enemies. They ruin multiplayer gaming and encourage camping. Made the Rainbow Six series poopy online in comparison to how awesome it was pre-vegas.

7First person cover system? Empty Re: First person cover system? 2011-02-03, 01:25

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I loved PRe-Vegas Rainbow Six.

I also thought Socom was the beast.

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