I just woke up due to the fact we have had 3 snow days in a row. I don't think school will be canceled tomorrow though, maybe a delay though. But it is supposed to snow tomorrow.
Ya I can understand that. But I bought it mostly for ascension, the zombie map. It's so hard, getting to round 15 or so is a good game. I made it to 20 with my friend Casey, who is amazing at zombies. He got to round 38 solo and turned it off from boredom and tiredness.
I played with a buddy the other night and two randoms. we made it to round 12. but the randoms had noooooo clue how to play. they kept shooting all the zombies in teh first 3-4 rounds.. OH LOOK i have no ammo now! and when the dogs attacked whilst we were in the stage area on rnd 11 they kept running around and got merc'd!!
I still own blops and probably won't trade it in. i have alot of other non-sec friends that play it and send me game invites almost every day. But i'm not spending $15 on dlc that i will barely play!