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AT Mine Aprecciation Topic

Keyser Söze
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1AT Mine Aprecciation Topic Empty AT Mine Aprecciation Topic 2011-02-05, 07:57

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Give some love for the almighty pancake, fuckers!!!!

2AT Mine Aprecciation Topic Empty Re: AT Mine Aprecciation Topic 2011-02-05, 10:47



Love my AT mines!!!

3AT Mine Aprecciation Topic Empty Re: AT Mine Aprecciation Topic 2011-02-05, 11:50



I <3 AT Mines.

It was one of my favorite things to do it BFBC2. I had all the good locations figured out.

4AT Mine Aprecciation Topic Empty Re: AT Mine Aprecciation Topic 2011-02-05, 14:00



at mines are my favy, especially the whole fire and forget thing where no matter what class you can have some sort of anti vehicle out there

oh yeah, and getting hate mail for hacking when i blew up a boat with them Very Happy

5AT Mine Aprecciation Topic Empty Re: AT Mine Aprecciation Topic 2011-02-05, 15:21



I never use them, since I'm usually only an engineer when tanks are already about and I just find it easier to shoot them with rockets.

I loved them in BC1 though, it seemed a lot easier to sabotage enemy bases with them in that game. I always threw them under empty vehicles so they worked like carbombs.

6AT Mine Aprecciation Topic Empty Re: AT Mine Aprecciation Topic 2011-02-05, 15:47



I always forget to put them out... i really need to get that insignia

7AT Mine Aprecciation Topic Empty Re: AT Mine Aprecciation Topic 2011-02-05, 17:20



I put a first spawn mine run on a couple maps.

and now.

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