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Experimental, a system me and a friend use to simplify locations of enemies.

Artimise Flare
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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Each player or group has their own way of communicating, however efficient communication is what will win the battles every now and then. The key is to give as much description and information with the least amount of words as possible.

The system that me and a friend of mine on the PS3 was developed for Panama Canal conquest.

To help deal with the confusion in explaining where an enemy is say on Flag C, we would simply say "tango Charlie 1" meaning one enemy on the ground floor of Charlie, if we had to be specific, it would go something like this "tango Charlie 3 UAV" meaning enemy on the third floor (the roof) on the UAV side of the building.

To give an idea of where an enemy is heading it would go something like this "hog (mbt) inbound alpha bravo highway" meaning enemy abrams/T90 heading from flag alpha to flag bravo by the road.

Panama canal is notorious for recon whores to camp on the ridge just outside the US deployment, and spotting doesn't always work. To help this, we would call out where the target is in this fashion "wookie ridge alpha" meaning there is a recon player on the forested ridge, on the side closest to flag alpha.

We are still trying to come up with ways to make this system work on other maps, but so far it's worked exceptionally well.




however good that may be.....

If the guys on the uav station.... "GUY on UAV"

If it's an abrams/t90 at C. "Tank at C"

However the "military" lingo may work for you and "I" understand it. most people would get lost.

"3 enemies 3rd floor uav" works better than "3 tangos charlie 3".

I even get descriptive with classes.

"3rd floor uav 2 assault one medic".

But whatever works i guess.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

This system is intended to be use with people who play on a consistent basis with each other, but I see your point. Right now we're trying to simplify the class system while also warning squadmates of what the enemy is wielding weapon wise. As said it's experimental, and we've got a lot of tweaking to do lol.



I myself understand the system and agree with it.

But if i'm playing with the people i usually play BC2 with and start yelling out your commands. I'll get response like "WTF Derp" wtf does that mean!

If your going for the militaristic kinda lingo than your system is good.



Whatever works for you and your friend, I kind of get, but if I join a random game and my squad uses "inner language" I get lost fast. Being able to communicate is key, I just wished more people used their mics.



I could see me saying tango charlie on C, and then the wife comng in to tell me its time to take a break from the games! HAHA Sounds a little too serious for my tastes but if it works for you and yours awesome!



I'd probably be pretty bad at this, but it would be funny to use it when playing with randoms who don't know what I'm talking about and taking it extremely seriously.



When a helicopter goes down, I don;t even care if it's the blackhawk, I like to say. " we have a blackhawk down. I repeat a blackhawk down.



Usually if I see an enemy at the UAV I keep it to myself so I can get the tags.



Mills wrote:Usually if I see an enemy at the UAV I keep it to myself so I can get the tags.

You greedy bastard!

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I usually only talk when I'm with a friend since 90% of the time, randoms are too stupid to listen to what I'm saying and warning them about the lvl 50 recon bastard sneaking up on him to knife him.

But yeah, it's probably because me and my friend are big military nuts, and for whatever reason this system just works. It seems that we've died many times because we're trying to explain where the enemy is and can't do it fast enough.



I usually say "AAHHH Some douchebad sniped me from *insert spot*! Go kill that fucker!"



There are some maps where I wish I could name a specific building. Like Arica Harbor attacking the second base. You say I just got killed by a sniper in the building by A.... you hear what building by A. I always want to give them names and then let everyone know what their names are.... For instance one could be Mcdonalds, another Taco Bell or something. It would be funny to say. Got killed by a squad in Taco Bell and your bussines know where your talking about.



I say people are North and South of a Objective. Most people don't know what the hell I'm talking about. Even Vietnam with it's compass.

Then some asshole gets into a arguement about what is True Magnetic North in BC2 vanillia.

It is like I am the only person to ever press start and look at the map.



Reminds me of Grandma's House from MW/MW2. Maybe we could make callout sheets and sticky them?

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I was thinking of making some maps to post here to show the locations and examples of how to use the system that me and my friend are using. Though I don't know how popular or how helpful it would be for SEC members and such :-/



I got half way through your post Artimise and my eyes crossed. That's cool though. Very creative.

I suck at trying to tell everyone where the enemy is, especially since I don't know/remember which buildings are which base for the most part. I remember when I first started play with SeC and people are telling me that there is a guy in B... I was like, WTH you talkin' 'bout Willis?

And yes GM, you are the only one to hit start and look at the map.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Phh I usualy go with fucking wookie in that fucking house...
works everytiime...

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