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How to be a recon and not a useless wookie

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Play like to play recon, people like to use the sniper rifles, these people are not recons, they are snipers. Whats the difference?

Snipers miss; recons can't miss

Lets start off by looking at the word "recon", it's short for reconnaissance. Reconnaissance is the act of gathering information. So after looking at the word "recon" you begin to see what the primary purpose of being a recon, gathering info on the enemy. So.... recons can't miss because they are gathering info. How do you gather info? Use the spot button, or throw a motion mine (or commonly known as a poke ball), doing that lets your squad/team know who is where, gathering info.

Outside of the info gathering there are a couple ways to play as a recon.

First, the long range recon, or good wookie. Look at a set up for this
M24 (any other BA you like)
12x scope (but you really don't need it)
ExpMk2 (spotting scope until you unlock it)
any vehicle perk you want

First thing you need to know as a good wookie: spot, spot, spot, and BTW spot. Your 12x scope should be used mainly to look for enemies, spot said enemies, and once in a while take a shot. There is a reason why BA (bolt action) rifles have little ammo, your not suppose to shoot at everything that moves. Always work on spotting the enemy first, especially guys on the move. If you see a guy on a stationary gun, or a sniper, or another long range recon, then take aim and shoot. If you have to start taking shots, you need to move immediately. Don't sit in any spot too long, many people move a around and will constantly try to stay out everyones line of sight, but in your line of sight is constantly moving, they won't stay hidden for long.

Second thing: use your damn motion mines, it's an automatic spot for anything that moves in it's range. If your too far to throw one where needed, MOVE UP!! Always try to find a way to be just on the outskirts of the front line, just within sight of the Mcom, or flag. Mcoms, flags, and choke points are good places to drop a poke ball. If there's a hill in front of you, throw a ball, let your team/squad know where the enemy is hiding. The more info you give your team about the enemy's position, the better chance you have of winning a match.

Third thing, mortar use: The mortar is not an all powerful destroyer of armies, it is not an anti-vehicle weapon. It can be used for those things, but a tank can move, as do people. Once you line up a mortar your target is set at that EXACT SPOT, not on the person or vehicle. Mortars can be great cover for troop movement. Enemy squad in the building with the Mcom? Mortar the building as your team/squad is moving into the building, creates holes, causes confusion, and may take out an enemy or the building. Group of engie waiting and hiding in the copse of tress for the tank to drive by? Mortar the trees and watch the scatter like rats. Troop during a mortar can hide the troops (if it isn't hardcore) and put the enemys focus on the bombardment not your team/squad. Another good use, use it on a Mcom AFTER it's been armed. Remember the mortar takes a while to reload, so you need to be judicious in it's use.

Second, the short range sniper, aka assault wookie

Equipment set-up
C4 or mortar (more on this in a bit)
Red dot scope/ 4x scope
Body armor
any vehicle perk

This recon is more involved in the fighting, but can get much further behind enemy lines and spot hidden enemies. Motion mines are much more essential for finding enemies and planning your attack, much like the long range recon you need to pick your targets. Your not equipped to take alot of people head on, so you need to plan your movements, and choose your targets wisely. This type is more like a spy (think James Bond), using the short range scopes lets you handle any ranged encounter. Just keep in mind, you are a recon, you are there to gather info. Being behind the lines gives better access to enemy movements.

C4 vs. Mortar: Personally, I use C4 to take out tanks, sneak up, plant two, pull trigger. To do this effectively, you'll need to sacrifice yourself for the greater good, but if you have the time run away before blowing it up. No need to kill yourself if the tank driver is clueless. C4 is good for taking out buildings and getting D 2.0 kills, just equip extra explosives perk. C4 can be good for extra grenades. Mortars can be very effective as an assault wookie. Line up your target, throw a motion mine, and rush in as the mortars fall. Good for breaking up enemy lines strongholds, and confusion. I find myself using mortar more often in vehicleless stages.

Lastly, the Sniper, aka bush wookie.

Set-up much like the long range recon, only sits as far away as possible to get extra points for each kill. Never throws motion mines, or mortars, and never spots enemy because he wants the kill. Not good team/squadmates, but they are part of the game, there are many ways to mess with them if you chose to, if you find one on the enemy team it's free tags!!

A good recon will switch between long and short range as needed, and will always choose another class as needed. Ultimately, like every class, you want to be a team player a support your squad. Too much of a good thing can kill your team.

Any thoughts and suggestions are greatly apperciated.

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