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Working on an intro video.

The Adli Corporation
8 posters

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1Working on an intro video. Empty Working on an intro video. 2011-02-11, 19:25



Since the SeC will be making some videos, I decided to make an intro video for them. I'm not done yet but I'm still working on it.

If any of you have any advice or if you just think I should scrap the idea, just let me know.

2Working on an intro video. Empty Re: Working on an intro video. 2011-02-11, 19:26



haha nice dude! i think i like the 2nd one a bit more

3Working on an intro video. Empty Re: Working on an intro video. 2011-02-11, 19:32



I don't think I noticed the difference.

Actually, I'm pretty sure I didn't notice the difference.

I fail. Looks good though Volt!

4Working on an intro video. Empty Re: Working on an intro video. 2011-02-11, 19:41

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i think number one is sliiighty better Smile

both awesome though Very Happy

5Working on an intro video. Empty Re: Working on an intro video. 2011-02-11, 20:23

Epyk MD

Epyk MD


6Working on an intro video. Empty Re: Working on an intro video. 2011-02-11, 20:29



Hmmm......I guess Im'ma gonna have to get to work on that SEC themesong then.

7Working on an intro video. Empty Re: Working on an intro video. 2011-02-11, 20:41

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Dooo it.
8bit style?

8Working on an intro video. Empty Re: Working on an intro video. 2011-02-11, 20:44



Do to me not being able to edit that for some reason I was gonna retype it to say

"Hmmm......I guess Im'ma gonna have to get to work on the lyrics for the SEC themesong then"

9Working on an intro video. Empty Re: Working on an intro video. 2011-02-11, 20:47

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

i guess i should start using my after effects Very Happy

10Working on an intro video. Empty Re: Working on an intro video. 2011-02-11, 20:54

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Awww. I want a 8bit theme song, after it was snatched away from me so rudely

11Working on an intro video. Empty Re: Working on an intro video. 2011-02-11, 20:55



Hey I wanna be able to edit my posts again.

12Working on an intro video. Empty Re: Working on an intro video. 2011-02-11, 21:18

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Ill look into it right now.

13Working on an intro video. Empty Re: Working on an intro video. 2011-02-11, 21:29

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Gm all the permissions are fine, I don't see why you can't edit.
Once I get home ill be able to take a closer look, but all the moment all group/member permissions are the same as they have always been.

14Working on an intro video. Empty Re: Working on an intro video. 2011-02-11, 21:36

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

my edit button is missing as well....

Thats awesome Volt! I like both. I feel bad because I don't contribute anything other than my awesome self.......

15Working on an intro video. Empty Re: Working on an intro video. 2011-02-11, 21:45

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Hmm alright hang tight for a few hours ill get it fixed as soon as I get home guys.

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