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What characters have you made in FO:NV?

2 posters

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Or Fallout 3 if you don't have New Vegas.

I've made:

McLovin (my main, and first)
Robinson (Named after this dumbass in my school, 1 INT)
Chuck Norris (Melee/Unarmed only)
John Rambo (100 sneak, 100 guns, only uses combat knife, the m4 looking gun(forgot what it's called), LMG and the sniper rifle)

My next character will probably be a girl one, just haven't decided on who yet. The only girl character I ever made was a Rachel Starr one on FO3.

So... who have you guys made?



Proto (my experiment character)
Duo (Energy centred)
Cleusewitz (Expert in all ranged form + Explosives)
Parcus (Cleusewitz God Mode)
Kasumi (Unarmed Ninja)
Suo (Gun centred God type)

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