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Love that all the arguments and hate mail I ever get ends up with the guy getting mad, and calling me gay.

Dropped Da Soap
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Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Happens all the time.
Most arguments I get into go from "Oh you suck!" to, "Oh your gay!!" and stuff along those lines.

I kinda got tired of laughing at them and telling them the moment they resort to making fun of my GT they aleady lost the argument.
But I got tired of that, and now just go with what they say.

Some guy told me tonight, after several minutes of sending me messages saying I was a noob cause I had 4000 points, and got his tags and he had 960 points and camped the whole time. After like 5 messages he started resorting to calling me gay and stuff. Told me at one point that I need to "Get the dick out of my ass, and stop moaning like a school girl".

I just responded with "I will stop moaning like a school girl when you remove your minuscule penis from my ass".

He stopped messaging me after that one.
I was sad too, I wanted to see what his defense would be.



I got me some HM the other day.

His insult.

"Hey Lvl 50, You're a Lvl 50!"



soap, was it the guy who got pissed at us for using shotguns? and camping with shotguns apparently? and then doing better than him while camping with shotguns?



I just go with the U Mad Bro?

Why So Serious?

Then I sent him a Freind Invite........he accepted it.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Yeah Zillah, it was that one guy.

He stopped messaging me for like an hour, then randomly started up again.



So im helping a few people here do the Have Gun will Travel Achievement

Anyway the last place we have to go is Tesero Azul but theres already a random there so I walk in the front and start shooting NPC's

Anyway the Random Throws Dynamite at me killing me so we spend the next Hour Trolling his ass funny how he claims we started it Very Happy


Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I sense you are lying Frost.
You obviously faked those.

I mean the guy has a Canada Gamer picture, and I though Canada didn't exist.




Lol if were lucky Liquid will post the ones he sent him as well Very Happy



See when you get messages you can share the funny.

I keep getting stupid Voice Mails.



Yeah people who send Voice mail are usually funnier but you cant show it off

Unless you recorded and reposted it

Plus if they send you a voice mail you can send one back that says in a real slow Voice




Frostbyrn wrote:So im helping a few people here do the Have Gun will Travel Achievement

Anyway the last place we have to go is Tesero Azul but theres already a random there so I walk in the front and start shooting NPC's

Anyway the Random Throws Dynamite at me killing me so we spend the next Hour Trolling his ass funny how he claims we started it Very Happy


Man, Fuck!

Why did I have to leave before all this happened, I could have had some serious fun with that guy.

Was he crying like that one kid at El Presidio?

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

I don't think he had a mic.

It was great in the end when he kept requesting to join our posse.



Wow just met the biggest morons ever

Theyre posse of 8 attacks us in El presidio ruining our wanted challenges

Their Leader then sends me a message telling us to leave them alone coz theyre trying to do the challenges i was like /Facepalm

Plus the only way they could beat us was by ganging up lol us 4 were actually holding them off Very Happy

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

If that happens, you should join the leader on RDR when he's alone, get a huge posse and spawnkill him until he cry like little baby!

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