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Zombie Sex

Cardboard Fox
Patrick Star
Keyser Söze
Epyk MD
12 posters

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1Zombie Sex Empty Zombie Sex 2010-09-03, 06:57



Necrophylia yes or no?

2Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-03, 07:59

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

depends, is it consensual?

3Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-03, 08:30



She said uuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr does that count?

4Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-03, 08:53

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Hmm R's would be pretty hard for zombies to articulate.

5Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-03, 09:19

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

You're missing the point...
Are they using protection?

6Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-03, 10:16

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

You mean like muzzles and full-iron hand gloves?

7Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-03, 11:07



Wow this topic is disturbing! HAHA

8Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-03, 11:08


There's a movie about this. Gimmie a sec and I'll find the name of it.

9Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-03, 11:47

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Zombie porn? SCORE!

10Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-03, 11:49


They never refer to her as a zombie, but she was zombie like.

11Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-03, 11:55

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

i thought the movie cover was a vag- never mind

12Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-03, 11:59


LOL didn't even notice that.

On that note

13Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-03, 12:31

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

14Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-03, 12:39


Cardboard Fox wrote:

HA! Didn't even think about that.

15Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-03, 21:08



I had this exact same conversation with a friend back in high school for about 4 hours, I said it is, she said it wasn't. We settled on if they were having sex and the girl died in the middle of it and he didn't know and he finished it isn't. If he finished knowing she was dead then yes it is.

16Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-03, 22:41



Zombie porn, eh?

17Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-04, 05:48

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Weirdest fucking topic ever.

18Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-04, 05:55



Yeah, lol. Frost asked yesterday while I was playing BC2 and he was playing the new DR; it was pretty funny. I hope that guy's alright. Especially after Tallness said that there was an earthquake there; it has me worried.

19Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-04, 21:08



Earthquake was in Christchurch didnt feel so much as a T rex shake the earth up here

Also this was meant as a joke Topic because i saw 2 male Zombies making out with each other in Case Zero and i was like WTF

20Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-04, 22:00



I know it was, but I guess some people thought otherwise.

21Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-04, 22:15



Well when a Zombie Apocalypse comes some freaky shit is bound to happen

Didnt they have a Zombie Sex slave in a bar on Land of the Dead

22Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-04, 22:20



I think so, or they were at least strippers.

23Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-04, 22:25



Remember if a Zombie Apocalypse happens make Friends with the first Redneck you see he will probally have at least 10 Guns on his Person alone

24Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-04, 22:32



Guns are cool and all but I'm more of a blade guy myself, and judging by my collection and competition awards, I'm sure I'll be fine

25Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-04, 22:39



But what if its not just bites that infect you but Blood and Brain matter as well?

26Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-04, 22:43



Hmm do you mean like making contact with it will cause me to become infected, or does it only work if I ingest it?

27Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-04, 22:44



Well i guess it would be like AID's or something were Ingesting it or getting it in a Scratch or something would get you infected

28Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-04, 22:47

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Then do what they did in 28 Days Later. Just wear goggles to keep blood out of your eye, heavy clothing to keep blood out of pores and open wounds, and a mouth mask or something.

Then you can hack and slash all you want

29Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-04, 22:50



So basically i just Mug the First Swat guy i find and get a Free M4 out of it as well?

30Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-04, 23:04

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Uh....I guess.

31Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-04, 23:12



I wonder why Bad company doesnt have M4's as an Engi weapon at least

32Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-04, 23:17

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I don't know either. It would be a great weapon to have.

Also. I changed my like it better then my last?

33Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-04, 23:20



Anything is better than your last one Very Happy

34Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-04, 23:22

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Do you know what it is?

35Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-04, 23:44



Its Supermans Gorrila foe i forget his name

36Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-04, 23:45

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

FLASH! And its Gorilla Grodd. And its FLASH'S VILLIAN!!

37Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-04, 23:51



Really hes on alot of Superman cartoons in my country

38Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-05, 00:14

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Unless you are thinking of Justice League, he is not a Superman villain. He is a villain of the Super Friends, but primarily a Flash villain. He has been in a few Superman and Batman comics, but is almost always a Flash villain.

39Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-05, 00:25

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Also you could be talking about the Ultra-Humanite. Who IS a Superman villain. He was a criminal Mastermind with a crippled body who trasferred his brain into an Apes body. So you might be thinking of him.

40Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-05, 00:37



I have no Fracking idea lol

Also i prolly was talking about Justice League

Though i am getting sick of how gay DC heroes are these days

41Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-05, 00:46

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Watchu talkin bout Willis?!?

42Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-05, 01:06



DC heros are pussys

43Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-05, 01:18

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Fuck. You.

44Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-05, 01:34



Marvel is way better

I mean come on the most Gangster thing superman ever did was Knock Lois up Bail for 5 years and then never pay Child Support

45Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-05, 01:54

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

So holding a black hole closed with his bare hands means nothin?

46Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-05, 02:01



No because hes a fucking Alien Very Happy

His Super Power is being a whiny little Lawful Good bitch and an Ability everyone from his now Extinct race had

47Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-05, 03:47

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Actually if you are trying to imply that all Kryptonians were the same since they were from the same planet, then you are wrong.

Krypton was under a Red Sun, which absorbs all Kryptonian powers. So if Krypton was still around and Supes was on his homeworld, he would be as strong as a normal human.

48Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-05, 03:52



Yeah but they all have the exact same powers under a yellow sun genius which is what i said

49Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-05, 04:17

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

No they don't. There all dead. Genius.

50Zombie Sex Empty Re: Zombie Sex 2010-09-05, 04:21



Those on Candor arent

And like i said all the powers of his now EXTINCT Race you twat

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