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Getting blown off is annoying

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1Getting blown off is annoying Empty Getting blown off is annoying 2011-03-07, 01:25


I asked this girl (who is also one of my very good friends) on a movie date for Saturday a few days ago, and she's like "yea sure sounds fun." Friday night, send her a text very early in the afternoon asking what movie we should see, where, etc. No response. Send her another on Saturday morning. No response. Call her. Doesn't pick up. See if she's on facebook/skype. Hasn't been the whole weekend. Yea...that sucked. Ah well.

Edit: Of course, like 5 minutes after I post this she tells me her phone died haha.



You sure she isnt Sick or something?


Frostbyrn wrote:You sure she isnt Sick or something?

Read the edit haha. I just got pissed off because I was already having a bad weekend, and boom. Anger gone.



Oh snap bet you feel like a Jerk now Very Happy


Frostbyrn wrote:Oh snap bet you feel like a Jerk now Very Happy

Yea, I definitely do haha. I think I was so angry because she's already my good friend, and like I said, bad weekend already.



My friends never text me back on Saturdays. >_>

Air Supremacy

Air Supremacy

Came into this topic ready to thoroughly insult Wacco.

Then I read "off" in the title.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

wacco she must be part of the site! its the only explanation I can come up with that doesn't destroy the fabric of time. Oh wait her phone died. *performs calculations* OK I guess the checks out too. move along

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Jumping to conclusions tends to be... bad. I know it very well Laughing

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