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Unreal Engine 3 Breakdown

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1Unreal Engine 3 Breakdown Empty Unreal Engine 3 Breakdown 2011-03-09, 15:33



Just watched this video on IGN:
<object id="vid_4d7701f4dad0bd28da000002" class="ign-videoplayer" width="480" height="270" data="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#000000" /><param name="flashvars" value="url="/></object><div style="width:480px"><a href="">More Unreal Engine -- Samaritan Project Videos</a></div>

Looks like next-gen is going to be sexy as hell.

2Unreal Engine 3 Breakdown Empty Re: Unreal Engine 3 Breakdown 2011-03-09, 15:42



Holy crap amazing. (I dont think the 360 and ps3 will be able to handle this but I really hope they can)

3Unreal Engine 3 Breakdown Empty Re: Unreal Engine 3 Breakdown 2011-03-09, 15:49


Looks pretty awesome.. I wonder how much next gen will cost as in games and console.

4Unreal Engine 3 Breakdown Empty Re: Unreal Engine 3 Breakdown 2011-03-09, 18:39



t-800 wrote:Holy crap amazing. (I dont think the 360 and ps3 will be able to handle this but I really hope they can)

Yeah if the 360 is getting any games with this engine they'll definitely have to be dumbed down, there's no way that a 360 game could look that good.

5Unreal Engine 3 Breakdown Empty Re: Unreal Engine 3 Breakdown 2011-03-09, 18:40



You'd be surprised.

6Unreal Engine 3 Breakdown Empty Re: Unreal Engine 3 Breakdown 2011-03-09, 18:41



Hopefully I will be because that would be awesome.

7Unreal Engine 3 Breakdown Empty Re: Unreal Engine 3 Breakdown 2011-03-09, 18:46



Chewy wrote:Hopefully I will be because that would be awesome.
This, but this was running on 3 $200 graphics cards.

8Unreal Engine 3 Breakdown Empty Re: Unreal Engine 3 Breakdown 2011-03-09, 19:40

Air Supremacy

Air Supremacy

Not happening on consoles anytime soon.


9Unreal Engine 3 Breakdown Empty Re: Unreal Engine 3 Breakdown 2011-03-09, 19:52



i heard some rumors online the microsoft started hiring a team for the next xbox

10Unreal Engine 3 Breakdown Empty Re: Unreal Engine 3 Breakdown 2011-03-09, 19:55

Air Supremacy

Air Supremacy

That's not news really.

I mean that's like saying tomorrow will be Thursday or Angelina Jolie is gonna adopt another baby.

11Unreal Engine 3 Breakdown Empty Re: Unreal Engine 3 Breakdown 2011-03-09, 19:58



god those graphics are amazing. im guessing they'll release a new generation in 2013.

12Unreal Engine 3 Breakdown Empty Re: Unreal Engine 3 Breakdown 2011-03-09, 20:00



Powdered Toast Man wrote:That's not news really.

I mean that's like saying tomorrow will be Thursday or Angelina Jolie is gonna adopt another baby.

well, this current gen of consoles has already hit the 5 year mark, and thats a long time for most consoles.

13Unreal Engine 3 Breakdown Empty Re: Unreal Engine 3 Breakdown 2011-03-09, 20:11

Air Supremacy

Air Supremacy

Grayson Hunt wrote:
Powdered Toast Man wrote:That's not news really.

I mean that's like saying tomorrow will be Thursday or Angelina Jolie is gonna adopt another baby.

well, this current gen of consoles has already hit the 5 year mark, and thats a long time for most consoles.

True, and PS2 went 5 1/2 years until PS3 was announced.

I'm gonna say we'll start to see next gen prototypes E3 next year.

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