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Power Rangers

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1Power Rangers Empty Power Rangers 2011-03-15, 09:58

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

I remember as a kid i used to watch this show constantly. The original are the best by far and the Green ranger was a bad ass. However this new shit they put on tv? Samuri power rangers? They get hurt from mean phrases? Who wants this? I dont. RANT


P.S there was a monster who hurt them with mean phrases.....

2Power Rangers Empty Re: Power Rangers 2011-03-15, 20:27



Didn't the Red one kill some couple?

3Power Rangers Empty Re: Power Rangers 2011-03-16, 01:45



Power rangers was the shit when i was growing up then it just got consistently crappier

4Power Rangers Empty Re: Power Rangers 2011-03-16, 02:18



I loved power rangers when I was little. I never understood the hate for it I mean it look how much violence it had.

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