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A little more time.

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1A little more time. Empty A little more time. 2011-03-17, 00:09

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I got to play for about 2 hours today and I had lots of fun. Had some really good matches today and one bad one. Saw a couple more maps, most of witch I like, and got more experience dealing with drones and vehicles.

The bad match was ground control on a level with a couple big hills and houses down below on either side. This was a snipe fest. I went 3-10 while running around dodging sniper fire. terrible.

All of my other matches were really good. Mostly going positive and on the top 5-6 on my team. I learned not to fear the drones as much, doesn't take a whole lot to take one down the one that shoots rockets isn't as scary as it sounds.

The LAV rules! the tank is pretty good but you NEED a gunner. The LAV I can go by myself and hold down an entire section of the map by myself. This is due to the fact that nobody bothers to mess with the tanks becasue it will mess with their K/D, which in turn helps mine beacuse I sit there and kill one after another.

It will be a while before we see what kind of community this game ends up with, that ultimetly will decide this games fate. So as of now I call this game about a 7.5 with the potential to go up or down about a point.

2A little more time. Empty Re: A little more time. 2011-03-17, 01:30



Im probably gonna get this after pay day now. Sounds fun.

3A little more time. Empty Re: A little more time. 2011-03-17, 12:10



Something I noticed in ground control is that even the RANDOMS go after the objective. This is unheard of in any other FPS.

4A little more time. Empty Re: A little more time. 2011-03-17, 12:14



HAHA Yea the games I have played I feel like most of my team goes for the base on ground control. I have seen one or two guys perched back with their sniper rifles but so far I am pleased people are going after the bases!

5A little more time. Empty Re: A little more time. 2011-03-17, 13:13

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

There will ALWAYS be snipers, so long as the option to snipe remains. It really depends on the map. Most of the maps aren't designed for snipers to be effective, so it useually isn't a big problem.

6A little more time. Empty Re: A little more time. 2011-03-17, 13:42



I've heard a few people complain about the map you are talking about Terry, buit yea otherwise in all the maps I have played I have been able to counter the sniipers no problem, and don;t see too many of them.

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