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Activision vs. EA & Jason West, Vince Zampella lawsuit

The Adli Corporation
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The 'Fall of Duty' lawsuit that pits Electronic Arts and ex-Infinity Ward heads Jason West and Vince Zampella against game publisher Activision will continue, according to California Superior Court Judge Elihu Berle. Berle ruled that Activision provided enough evidence to allow its $400 million lawsuit against EA to go forward.

Activision's suit alleges that Zampella and West conspired with EA to help Battlefield: Bad Company 2 at the expense of Activision's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Jeff Brown, a spokesperson for EA, said that the publisher had never spoken to West and Zampella before their newly formed Respawn Studios signed up with its EA.

Calling Activision's case 'conclusionary allegation,' EA moved to have the suit thrown out. Judge Berle disagreed, basically ruling that although he wasn't speaking on the merits of the case, he does think there is enough information to let the the $400 million lawsuit proceed.

This has been going on for quite a while now.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

wow. they mad bro.



So does this mean that even Activision thinks that Bad Company 2 is better than MW2?

Cause that's awesome troll material right there

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

as far as i can tell activision are saying the two IW devs delayed the map packs until after BC2 came out, because EA and the 2 devs were attempting to kill COD...

i might be wrong but thats what it sounds like.

if im right, it means activision thinks the BF franchise can kill CoD. they must be shitting themselves about BF3 then Razz



Ya if I remember, west and Zampella delayed a map pack so that BC2 did good in sales, and Activision didn't like that one bit.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

hahah yeah i can understand that.



I might be wrong, but if I remember correctly, this all started when West/Zampella were fired/quit and they kept some of the company's things, so activision went through there things and found emails/letters to EA about the dely. But I could be wrong cause I don't really remember, and I'm to lazy to dig it up.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

yeah. im supporting the fired devs.

mainly because i want activision to lose a lot of money.

secondly because the devs were fired after making MW2 and mucked about with their payment, which makes me think activision are total dicks.



Judas Iscariot wrote:
if im right, it means activision thinks the BF franchise can kill CoD. they must be shitting themselves about BF3 then Razz

good bye CoD 8!

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

part of me wants COD to die, but the other part wants it to live, keeping the sub-par community shackled to their sub-par games, leaving my favorite games all fluffy and wonderful Very Happy



They are still making MW3 I think, but not this year if I remember.



I hope Activision loses on this one. What dicks...

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

well said chewy.



Whhhaaaaaa....two big mean devs delayed my map packs.....whaaaaaaa....

Here son will 500 million make you happy?




If I remember correctly: the devs left IW and set up respawn ent. and partnered with EA. The whole thing started when the devs got mad about not getting the money activision said they would get for making MW2, they left and Activision sued for breach of contract (for MW3, though the devs didn't want to make either) the devs sued activision for the money, then activision sued EA for the whole map pack BC2 thing.

It looks like EA and devs could have been talking, so the case will go through, so there should be some proof of that for the case to hold up.



Well maybe if 4 MW2 Maps didnt cost the same as a brand new 60$ game Very Happy

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

As long as Activision burns in hell, all will be right in the world. I don't really care if EA did that or not, at least they keep pushing new games and franchises to the market, instead of milking a single one to death.

But this raises the question: Where will the crappy lone wolf players from CoD go if that happens? I don't want them pissing on my cereal. Battlefield is just fine without them.



Ars Diaboli wrote:I don't really care if EA did that or not, at least they keep pushing new games and franchises to the market, instead of milking a single one to death.

seriously, are we ever going to see anything beside CoD (Cool?



As long as people buy and play CoD they will keep churning it out.

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