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This game

Artimise Flare
Keyser Söze
10 posters

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1This game Empty This game 2011-03-19, 14:10



i cant really get a read on it. it looks ok and ive heard its bad and good. so...

1.) is it worth 50-60 dollars

2.) what are the major issues of this game

3.) are excessive snipers an issue

4.)pace of the game 1-10 (try to compare to a current fps/game)

5.) will you be playing this 3-4 months from now

6.) weapon/vehicle balance?

7.) can it be compared to any current fps?

8.) is there anything new that the game brings and is it a good addition?

9.) any random food pics to include in your post?

10.) is the time/bullets to kill lower like bc2 or redonkulous like mw2 or anywhere similar

thank you for your time. im trying to make this topic the baseline topic for anyone else who is on the fence w/ this game as well

2This game Empty Re: This game 2011-03-19, 14:30

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

*gets behind tall*

I'm listening...

3This game Empty Re: This game 2011-03-19, 14:48



and are there bullet physics? like, travel time

4This game Empty Re: This game 2011-03-19, 15:09



Zillah wrote:and are there bullet physics? like, travel time

and is it possible to play this game while your tripping as much as zillah was last night

5This game Empty Re: This game 2011-03-19, 15:47



1.) is it worth 50-60 dollars
More of an opinion, but I think so

2.) what are the major issues of this game
Bad servers and bad lag in skirmish game type

3.) are excessive snipers an issue
Not really. Only on one map that I have seen

4.)pace of the game 1-10 (try to compare to a current fps/game)
7-8, depends on map and the server

5.) will you be playing this 3-4 months from now

6.) weapon/vehicle balance?
It doesn't seem like any gun is better than another, but I only use ARs and have like 3 so far. Vehicles aren't OP. Helos can be taken out with bullets, but a lot, and one drone has lock on missiles, and makes it easy. Tanks can be pretty easy with EMP grenades and two people with rockets.

7.) can it be compared to any current fps?
Not that I would say

8.) is there anything new that the game brings and is it a good addition?
Battle points are pretty good

9.) any random food pics to include in your post?

10.) is the time/bullets to kill lower like bc2 or redonkulous like mw2 or anywhere similar
More than a CoD game, but less than BC2

That's my opinion

6This game Empty Re: This game 2011-03-19, 15:50



Zillah wrote:and are there bullet physics? like, travel time

From what I can tell, there is travel time. But no drop, and they don't penetrate objects.

7This game Empty Re: This game 2011-03-19, 16:18

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

1.) is it worth 50-60 dollars

This is subjective to the player and what they want in a game. At first I was miffed about the short campaign, but Multiplayer more than makes up for it.

2.) what are the major issues of this game

For consoles, it's problems with the servers, this game seems to have been made for the computer, and THQ just didn't anticipate (Or didn't want to spend the cash on more servers) the stress on their servers. However it is being addressed, and they are taking measures to fix it.

3.) are excessive snipers an issue

Only certain maps, at first, it seemd like they were everywhere, but honestly, I only get picked of by them every once in a while. But I play on the PC so experiences in the game will vary on Consoles.

4.)pace of the game 1-10 (try to compare to a current fps/game)

Ground Control can be as frantic and chaotic as any of the best moments of battlefield, while TDM can be as slow as a 1 vs 1 match late at night on BC2. Depends on the game type, but really, the only game type worth playing IMO is Ground Control.

5.) will you be playing this 3-4 months from now

Most likely, it's a refreshing change, and Homefront has a certain charm to it that just keeps me coming back to it.

6.) weapon/vehicle balance?

There really isn't any weapon that feels particulary powerful. Burst fire is absolutely necessary if you want to hit anything beyond medium short range, this is especially true with Light Machine Guns.

7.) can it be compared to any current fps?

Take the large maps of Battlefield and then mix in the lethality of weapons from Rainbow six, add a dash of MW2 features such as weapon customization and "perks" then cook to a warm brown color.

8.) is there anything new that the game brings and is it a good addition?

Battlepoints and Battle Commander are really neat features. Don't have anything on hand to take care of that tank? Buy an RPG, need some heavy firepower to support the team? Buy a tank. As for Battle Commander, ever had a time where you just wished everyone would take out that pesky sniper? Well Battle commander lights them up like a Christmas tree by placing a bounty on their head if they get a large enough kill streak, which rewards more points the greater kill streak the maintain.

9.) any random food pics to include in your post?

This game Bbq-pork-bun-lg

10.) is the time/bullets to kill lower like bc2 or redonkulous like mw2 or anywhere similar

There is no bullet drop for sniper rifles nor is there any sway, but there is bullet travel, so you still need to lead your targets.

The weapons are absolutely lethal, 2 or 3 rounds will deck you at medium distance. Death can come from ANY direction, and usually is so abrupt, that it's hard to figure out where it's coming from before it's too late.

8This game Empty Re: This game 2011-03-19, 16:24



Awesome cred to you sir!! very well put.

and is that a dumpling? Smile

9This game Empty Re: This game 2011-03-19, 16:35



It's a pork bun! Never had one before, but I want to try one.

10This game Empty Re: This game 2011-03-19, 16:45

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Be wary my young friends, because the delicacy that is the pork bun is quite amazing, you may find yourself inclined to raid the kitchen in which they are prepared, feverishly seeking to satisfy a new found appetite for these delicious little morsels.

Needless to say, they're my most favorite treat. I can eat a box of 30 of these easily if I was allowed to. Dim Sum restaurants usually have them, and if you live in California, the Emperors Pavilion in LA has a great little bakery that makes quite possibly some of the best Pork buns out there Smile

11This game Empty Re: This game 2011-03-19, 16:50



This game Drooling-homer

12This game Empty Re: This game 2011-03-19, 18:20



Bakerys Sell Pork buns here and theres like a Bakery on every corner where i live

13This game Empty Re: This game 2011-03-19, 18:48

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

i'll tell you this... some bugs with the drones IE not being able to ascend or descend with the parrot or move with the AT drone(the lock on one)

14This game Empty Re: This game 2011-03-19, 18:50



Also sometimes if your drone gets destroyed youll be unable to use your primary

15This game Empty Re: This game 2011-03-20, 15:21



frost care to actually fill it out? plz and camel too

16This game Empty Re: This game 2011-03-20, 15:23



1fnbighen wrote:
Zillah wrote:and are there bullet physics? like, travel time

and is it possible to play this game while your tripping as much as zillah was last night

HEY. i just now saw this...

17This game Empty Re: This game 2011-03-20, 15:25



Zillah wrote:
1fnbighen wrote:
Zillah wrote:and are there bullet physics? like, travel time

and is it possible to play this game while your tripping as much as zillah was last night

HEY. i just now saw this...


im guessing you still had some trip from that night going solid then?

18This game Empty Re: This game 2011-03-20, 20:42

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

1.) is it worth 50-60 dollars
as much as any other game is worth 50-60 dollars

2.) what are the major issues of this game
The servers for one but thats getting better. I haven't had any big complaints so far.

3.) are excessive snipers an issue
just as much as any othe FPS. There are a lot of them, NTM there are lots of buildings and such to hide on so yeah they will be there.

4.)pace of the game 1-10 (try to compare to a current fps/game)
8 so far. it could get better or worse. The maps are BFish in design, but the gameplay style is sort of a dash of CoD in with BF.

5.) will you be playing this 3-4 months from now
I think so yes. I will be playing this longer than I did Halo

6.) weapon/vehicle balance?
I for one was worried about the drones being a problem, but they really aren't. The Apaches can be bad if you don't have the rhino drone or something, because you have to connect with several RPGs to bring one down.

7.) can it be compared to any current fps?
Its a little different than anything else, but you feel elements of different games in it.

8.) is there anything new that the game brings and is it a good addition?
I do like the battle points set up. kinda nice to get on a killstreak go hide call a drone, us that to defent the area your in, then bust out an RPG to take out the humvee rounding the corner. Then die, and call in a tank or heli on your next spawn.

9.) any random food pics to include in your post?
Sorry I'm starving and waiting for dinner so pictures of food would just be cruel right now

10.) is the time/bullets to kill lower like bc2 or redonkulous like mw2 or anywhere similar
there is travel time, but almost no drop from what I can tell.

I don't think you would be disapointed tall

19This game Empty Re: This game 2011-03-21, 22:40



btw great review but by #10, i meant the averge time it tkaes to put a guy down. i should have referenced halo style where it takes a lot of concentrated fire, to mw2 where its aim and insta-die most of the time

20This game Empty Re: This game 2011-03-21, 22:50



1fnbighen wrote:btw great review but by #10, i meant the averge time it tkaes to put a guy down. i should have referenced halo style where it takes a lot of concentrated fire, to mw2 where its aim and insta-die most of the time
It is shorter than Blops.

21This game Empty Re: This game 2011-03-23, 01:44



cool thnx, ill be picking this up once a return order processes

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