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Oh, teammates...

3 posters

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1Oh, teammates... Empty Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 04:39



Why can't you just get one kill? Just one? It's been years since CoD4 came out, and somehow, 3 of you manage to go 0-10+, and we lose...even though I'm 28-4. I still will NEVER understand how you can't even manage to kill somebody, even if you threw a grenade every time you died.

2Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 04:42



I love those guys that feed enemy killstreaks by going the same path with exact same manor as previously done so. I love them when I am aiming my M40A3 as well, but it usually happens to enemies more than myself.

All in the past now...

3Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 04:43



Maybe they play on the Default Sensitivity

Or theyre mentally retarded

4Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 04:45



Hey! Foxxy Brown here plays on Default sensitivity and does just fine.

I'm beginning to hate BC2, so I've gone back to CoD4. I hate seeing people bleed, then they stab me and they have 100% health.

5Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 04:48



Default Sensitivity makes it look like Drowning in mod and trying to swing your gun around

Also i call BS there is no way you could hit a moving target on Default unless it walked past were you were already aiming

6Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 04:49



On a good note, I just got my Gold AK-47. Very Happy

Default isn't that slow.

7Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 04:51



I play relatively low, well high for console BF series, sensitivity when playing on console.

However, I play extremely high sensitivity on PC, compared to rest of the competition teammates at the times of PC days. when people were using 1.3~2.3, I was using 7.

8Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 04:54



I'm just used to the default sensitivity.

Also, I'm about to rage again; fucking Skorpion is horrible. I can't stand it, and I'm trying to get gold camo for all guns (only SMGs and LMGs left). Get yet another horrible team, then go 1-3 and leave, because I have no UAV, and it's Bloc, and I forgot to set up a class with UAV Jammer for the Skorpion. Worst weapon I've ever had the misfortune of using.

9Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 04:56



,,,,,,Default,,,,,,Middle,,,,,,,,,,,Frost and Crack addicts

It is slow as shit

But that may be because i play on the top sensitivity in every single game

Also you probally set your Default higher from the preferences section on your Xbox guide

10Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 04:56



Not sure about console, but on PC, Skorpion was considered OP as hell.

11Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 04:58



Skorpion was on James Bond lol it was shit then as well

12Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 05:01



Maybe I like lower sensitivities because I like to snipe.

I don't know what game you must playing on PC Storm, but the Skorpion is a hunk of shit on the console version. Yes, 50-20 is awesome, but the 50 range is pathetic, and getting headshots with it for camo takes forever. Also, it's just outclassed 90% of the time it feels.

13Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 05:03



I can Snipe on Twitch Sensitivity lol

So its like the Pre Patch Raffica of the CoD world?

14Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 05:05



On PC, with the ease of aiming, people could squeeze off few rounds of Skorpion before the recoil takes it off headshot, resulting in headshot frenzy. With the added bonus of SMG move speed, it was pretty OP.

15Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 05:09



Yeah and Queens are OP in Dead rising pffffffft Grow up hippie!

16Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 05:10



I could see that happening.

Also, I would like to add, that I think that M40 + ACOG users are all disgusting animals; I hate them more than probably hate anything on any videogame. They're incredibly obnoxious and stuck up little brats.

My team is on a 5 loss streak right now; ironically, I'm actually laughing, because it's so pathetic that they can't win one game.

17Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 05:13



Lol, I finally rage quit the lobby, because the enemy had a helicopter, and the scores were:

4-1 (Me)

18Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 05:18



*Points his 4x scoped Mag ammo Abakan at Bob*

Dont you dare criticize OP gun users

They may have snapped at all the noobs using it and decided to get payback

19Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 05:18



*grabs barrel of Abakan and moves it away*

Point that damn thing somewhere else. xD

Well, M40 users are different though.

20Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 05:22



I never really understood those people used SR in CoD using ACOG. I always used standard scope.

21Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 05:24



The Last 54 people who insulted me ended up yelling something about the color Blue Very Happy

22Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 05:24



The M40 is OP completely. It's glitched, so that hitting someone, even their pinky toe will kill them with stopping power. Then, they make fucking montages saying how good they are and how much "skill" it takes. Even though whenever I use it, I think it's even worse than the M16, MP5, or RPD, as far being a complete douchebag.

Just went 8-8, rage quit lobby because I repeatedly died to 3x frag while my teammates did nothing to cap the flag. I can't wait until I go housesitting tomorrow, and get away from this stupid shit. I'm not going to sleep until I win at least 5 matches in a row though.

23Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 05:27



what they cant even get kills with Matyrdom?

24Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 05:34



Lol, I don't know. I've decided to call it a CoD night though, because I consider the last game I just tolerated worth winning 5 games. I went 26-5 in GW TDM, and we won by one point, after the score was tied at 990-990, and we were losing since the 900 mark.

25Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 05:35



OH god who are you playing with?

Freaking People on Bad Acid trips who think theyre playing Tetris?

26Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 05:38



Frostbyrn wrote:OH god who are you playing with?

Freaking People on Bad Acid trips who think theyre playing Tetris?

Well, considering none of them were AFK, they must be doing something along the lines of many things:

1.) They're really plants hooked up to machines to see if they can control a human body.
2.) The person left the room and their pet is chewing on the controller.
3.) Their IQ is less than their shoesize.

But seriously, if you ever wonder why I rage all day at CoD, that would be why, lol. I attract the worse teammates. Maybe it is Dr. Foxxy Robert's secret mission to save the retards of CoD4 from losing?

27Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 05:43



Or maybe its 5 year olds playing while Mommy and Daddy are asleep

Or maybe CoD4 is being used as a secret government test to help Soldiers control things with their Minds

Awesome controlling an Onscreen Avatar with just your Mind Very Happy

28Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 05:45



Lol, I guess so. I think I have this secret perk, called, "Retard Magnet". No matter what game I play, my team is automatically retarded.

It's not nearly as desirable as the "Lag Shield" or "Metal Face" perks though.

29Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 05:47



Ive got the "Demolition Man" Perk which lets me have Mind Sex with Sandra Bullock and MDK people

30Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 05:48



I'll trade you perks. Very Happy

31Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 05:53



No thanks i can Also Knit thanks to the Perk as well Very Happy

32Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 05:56



All of my perks suck. :/

I have "Retard Magnet", which I've already talked about.

Then I have "Cursed Magnet", where any explosive or bad luck can always find me, regardless of it's original destination.

Then I have "Super Rage", and that's rather obvious.

Lol, I'll trade you one of your's for one of mine. Very Happy

33Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 05:59



Just unlock it yourself with 50 D 2.0 Kills man

Although after using it Extensively i still cant figure out how to use the Damn sea shells

34Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 06:00



Hmm...will have to try, but then again, I don't want to have to learn to use the seashells either, Lol.

35Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 06:08



Well at least i have the "Invention of Lying" Perk which involves Jennifer Garner believing everything i say

36Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 08:23



O.O In the games you were playing with Conker and I, you were doing well with atleast 25+ to 7 or so. I never saw something as low as 10.

37Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 08:25



Maybe because you and conker forced some retards off the team lol

38Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 08:31



Frostbyrn wrote:Maybe because you and conker forced some retards off the team

Orly? I act like a retard when playing CoD4.

39Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 08:34



Key word being Act

The rest of the players are literally playing from a mental Institution

Or like that one episode of 20/20 where a CoD player was a Kid with Violent OCD or something whose Mom gave him Pot

OCD-CoD im starting think its not a coincidence

Maybe they are forced by OCD to Teabag the Target 3 times after every kill!

40Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 08:36



LOL xD Nice.
It's because they like the feeling of a man doing it.. Ew.

But yeah most people are retards, even half their team can't kill a spraying AK-47 from me while spinning around and running at the same time.

41Oh, teammates... Empty Re: Oh, teammates... 2010-09-05, 08:39



How to die in CoD

-Remain Perfectly Stationary

The retards who populate this game have Bad Hand eye co ordination and Movement confuses them making them Spray Wildly attracting every Zombie in a 5 foot radius

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