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Last night...

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1Last night... Empty Last night... 2011-03-24, 09:07



So last night, I was doing battle commander going for a5 star threat. Well if I tried with a tank/heli, it would die within a minute. So I'm just doing it with my gun. I get to 4 stars and I see two people right in front of me, and could easily get the others I needed cause I was in their spawn cause the base just moved back. Well I start shooting them and see blood but no markers. Then I lag outta the party I was in and get kicked to the menu. So pissed off. Then my network shits on it's self and doran work the rest the night.

2Last night... Empty Re: Last night... 2011-03-24, 19:14

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

wow thats rough. They better fix the damn server issues soon. It gets old quick

3Last night... Empty Re: Last night... 2011-03-24, 21:10



Ya I was angry at the time. I don't have much sever issues. I think that was more on my end last night anyways since I could get on xbox or iPod the rest the night.

4Last night... Empty Re: Last night... 2011-03-25, 10:36



I got my first "Error creating beacon" problem last night. I was never able to get in a match.

5Last night... Empty Re: Last night... 2011-03-25, 11:36

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

if yo get that error Tex try two things. First, try a different game type. This works for me most of the time. If that fails you have to dashboard, but I've always gotten it to work.... eventually

6Last night... Empty Re: Last night... 2011-03-25, 11:58



I tried EVERY game type and I restarted my Xbox twice, once because it locked up my box and I had no choice. Thanks, Terry but it didn't help.
After twenty minutes or so I gave up and went solo on BC2 SDM.

7Last night... Empty Re: Last night... 2011-03-25, 21:00

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Is there an achievement for being a 5 star threat or something?

8Last night... Empty Re: Last night... 2011-03-25, 21:24



Yes there is Soap

Most people do it with a parrot drone spotting the same sniper over and over Very Happy

9Last night... Empty Re: Last night... 2011-03-26, 02:24



My parrots always get killed by 2 stars. Highest I got was a 3 I think.

But I got my 5 star with a battle tank today on Green Zone, camping their spawn behind the apartments.

Then I met some chill people when I went to GC and played with them for like 6 hrs and added them. I was surprised cause out of like 3-4 times we changed lobby's, we only had a problem once(besides being put on opposite teams at first, but only once).

10Last night... Empty Re: Last night... 2011-03-26, 02:50



I met some Canadians yesterday on RDR and added them they invited me to their Clan as well lol

11Last night... Empty Re: Last night... 2011-03-26, 02:54



Ha nice.

One guy I met lives like 2-3 hrs from my town. And I met a 75, and another 75 that had the pink camo. It was BRIGHT pink. It would make you stand out from anywhere.

12Last night... Empty Re: Last night... 2011-03-26, 03:02



Whats the level limit on HF anyway?

13Last night... Empty Re: Last night... 2011-03-26, 12:07

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

75 frosty

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