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ATTN: Bmmflash, Majora, and Conkers

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Sorry I left; I actually didn't rage quit for once, the connection was messing up due to a younger sibling.
But anyways,
The blackhawk headed to the last base on Isla when we were on defense...the pilot didn't jump out. xD Let's just say I...persuaded him that he wasn't a very good pilot and was flying too slowly, then I triple killed 3 people running the other way, and got 5 people with my NS-2000 before being overran. I also destroyed a jetski that round, and killed the guy on it with the AEK somehow; it was hilarious.
Nice playing with you, even though it was hard to communicate what I wanted you to do. Smile



Eh, I caught on after you started shooting me, lol. It took a bit to start dropping ammo in mass supply again, but whatever. And im virtually hitting you for your NS skill. Its pissing me off. I can snipe infantry, and occasionally some atvs or jet skis, but the whole helo thing is annoying. Stop being good at it XD



I got 2 that round actually, the one that somebody hit with a rocket, I killed the pilot just before it exploded; that's why the NS-2000 kill popped up there when it look like I was shooting at nothing. Just keep practicing; you'll get one eventually. I got 2-3 hitmarkers that round too. Slow flying pilots are my favorite. If they fly fast, they tend to crash, and are worthless anyways. Ironically, good helicopter teams are usually easier to take down with a shotgun that a bad one.



That first helo was amazingly slow. Im shocked it wasnt taken out earlier ATTN: Bmmflash, Majora, and Conkers Icon_rolleyes And im finding I get more hit markers with shotguns than snipers lately. I shot 2 clips of GOL at that damn pilot and didnt get one marker. I did get some nice headshots covereing the mcom, though.



Just remember, helicopters are usually your last priority when using a shotgun (unless you're like me and have ADHD and can't help but want to drop everything you are currently doing to at least one shot at it, xD ). But really, usually the order of priority is something like this (without taking distance into account and having 100% accuracy persay).
1.) Someone trying to kill you
2.) Someone going for an objective
3.)Stationary weapons that aren't shielded
5.) Other shotgunners with slugs
6.)Light Vehicles



I enjoy #5 greatly. And half the time I go for the helo is on Isla, where the whole other team is snipers on the first base, and you can sit in the back and get a good clear shot at it.



Yeah, shotgunning people clear back in their spawn on Isla is hilarious. I'm suprised no one has completely flipped out about me sniping them with slugs while they're cozy in their helicopter and sent me hate mail yet.



Lol, hatemail xD And next time I play, Im just going to sit on that rock cliff with the NS and kill everybody who drops down. You can get a good 10 or so, more with motion balls covering you.



Did I throw enough motion mines for you guys by the way, when I was a Recon?



Yeah, that was fine. Basically any mines anywhere are fine. And dont worry, you throw the most out of anybody I know, especially when your defending close to the mcom.



Well, I guess that's why I was begging for ammo so much. xD I'm going to sleep, btw. Good night.



check you GFQ AEK post tomorrow, n00b. Im not happy with your new skill XD



It's alright, I left after Isla because I was at the point where I could just pass out. But man, on first base defence on Isla, as soon as the match starts I see a wookie going to the hill in the back of their spawn. BOOM HEADSHOT! Then I see a chopper coming over the hill. BOOM HEADSHOT! Those shots basically made my night Very Happy



Lol I figured you rage quit because we were getting spawn killed a bit. Yeah, it sucks sometimes to have a sibling bogart your internets. My little bro used to bogart my computer to play Empire: Total War...used to piss me off lol.

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