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Why would anyone use laughing gas for fun?

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It does nothing to your thought process just makes you a little numb. Blows my mind as to why anyone would want to take stuff as powerful as a crappy dream.



Why would anybody inhale fermented human shit?

Why would anybody go out to a cow pasture at 3 in the morning, flipping cow crap over looking for mushrooms?

To get Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh, Bro!




It's one of the most intense drugs there is I'm not sure you know what you're talking about.



Chewy wrote:?

It's one of the most intense drugs there is I'm not sure you know what you're talking about.

I was not saying it is not powerful. It is really good for stuff like dental work but it does not effect your mind in any way so you can't get high.



It definitely does effect your mind.

That's why they call it laughing gas. When most people do it they can barely communicate, all they do is laugh.

I've never done it myself but I've seen tons of people do it. There are some serious mental effects that take place. People are stupid as shit for the couple minutes it lasts, completely incapable of having a coherent conversation.

It's probably a bit different when you are inhaling a balloon full as opposed to the minimum required dosage that the dentist was giving you.



Chewy wrote:It definitely does effect your mind.

That's why they call it laughing gas. When most people do it they can barely communicate, all they do is laugh.

I've never done it myself but I've seen tons of people do it. There are some serious mental effects that take place. People are stupid as shit for the couple minutes it lasts, completely incapable of having a coherent conversation.

It's probably a bit different when you are inhaling a balloon full as opposed to the minimum required dosage that the dentist was giving you.
Really? I was breathing it for 30+ minutes and could hold a conversation and do math just fine. Not sure what the hell you are breathing man. Hell they even had to increase the dosage because I could still feel some pain.



They must have been giving you a really really small dosage compared to what the people abuse it do. Yeah you were doing it for long but not much at a time, when people abuse it they take in like a whole balloon full and hold it in so it depletes a lot more oxygen from your brain then a steady low dose stream of it mixed with oxygen.

Seriously look up some trip reports on erowid or some videos of people doing it if you don't believe me. It's intense.



what, you were doing math while getting your teeth worked on?



Zillah wrote:what, you were doing math while getting your teeth worked on?
I was seeing if I could actually do it. You know stuff like 12*11.



Chewy wrote:They must have been giving you a really really small dosage compared to what the people abuse it do. Yeah you were doing it for long but not much at a time, when people abuse it they take in like a whole balloon full and hold it in so it depletes a lot more oxygen from your brain then a steady low dose stream of it mixed with oxygen.

Seriously look up some trip reports on erowid or some videos of people doing it if you don't believe me. It's intense.

Wow. That stuff is intense if it is a high enough dose.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Didn't you feel great when you were breathing it? It's not all about getting your head f'ed up. body highs can be just as enjoyable. BTW I LOOOOOVE me some laughing gas Razz



Hey man i only did it like 3 Times

They used to sell Balloon fulls in Dairys here Very Happy

And yeah that stuff is pretty intense if you take alot

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