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Almost done moving...

Ron Swanson
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1Almost done moving... Empty Almost done moving... 2011-03-30, 11:55

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Me and the GF are picking up and moving to a new place. We have been in the process for about a week now and we are finally nearing completetion. So far all we have left is the computer, desk, and a couch to move, along with lots of small items.

Its almost a bitter move though. the reason we are leaving is because of our upstairs neighbor being a loud ass all the time, and we finally got tired of it. The landlords told us a long time ago he was on the way out but it never happened so here we are. He has been sending obnoxious texts to us a lot lately, such as "Its friday night and Im GOING to be loud. like you guys have been all week. thank you" Funny thing is we have been moving and staying in the other house. So it must have been awfully loud silence, or maybe we have ghosts who knows.

2Almost done moving... Empty Re: Almost done moving... 2011-03-30, 11:57



Damn why would you give the guy your alls number so he could text you?

Well when your done will you come out to Louisville to help me move?

3Almost done moving... Empty Re: Almost done moving... 2011-03-30, 12:00


Dude sends you texts like that?? Man i'd go have a long sit down talk with him...

Hope the new place doesn't have any asshole neighbors.

4Almost done moving... Empty Re: Almost done moving... 2011-03-30, 12:44



Ha! Man that guy is a dick. I'm happy that you're getting out of there man.

Send him a text that says "It's Saturday morning and I'm GOING to be loud, just like you were ball-sack-face" and hire a mariachi band to start playing at 5am...

5Almost done moving... Empty Re: Almost done moving... 2011-03-30, 16:24

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

He had my GFs number from before I knew her so that if he was being loud she could call him to have him quite down Rolling Eyes yeah so that went well

6Almost done moving... Empty Re: Almost done moving... 2011-03-30, 16:29



Hmm.. Yea the last Saturday you8 are there youshould hold your speaker up to the ceiling that is under his bedroom, and turn the bass up and crank it up for awhile! HAHAHAHA THis would be fucking awesome!

7Almost done moving... Empty Re: Almost done moving... 2011-03-30, 16:34

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

or take the alarm out of a scrapped car, wire it into an alarm clock and set it to go off at 5 in the morning. preferably when he is hungover.

8Almost done moving... Empty Re: Almost done moving... 2011-03-30, 16:52

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Judas Iscariot wrote:or take the alarm out of a scrapped car, wire it into an alarm clock and set it to go off at 5 in the morning. preferably when he is hungover.

I was thinking about leaving an alarm clock I own down there. It gets really loud when you ignore it. and set it to go off at around midnight. So he can listen to it all night

9Almost done moving... Empty Re: Almost done moving... 2011-03-30, 16:53



That plan is awesome Terry!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10Almost done moving... Empty Re: Almost done moving... 2011-03-30, 16:56

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation


hide it inside something, preferably a wall so he cant easily turn it off (it would be property damage) Very Happy

11Almost done moving... Empty Re: Almost done moving... 2011-03-30, 19:26



Or you could sic GM on him

Dude likes trolling with loud music,Well GM likes trolling trolls

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