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RDS Vs Holo

4 posters

RDS or Holo

RDS Vs Holo Vote_lcap50%RDS Vs Holo Vote_rcap 50% [ 2 ]
RDS Vs Holo Vote_lcap50%RDS Vs Holo Vote_rcap 50% [ 2 ]
Total Votes : 4

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1RDS Vs Holo Empty RDS Vs Holo 2011-04-04, 14:52

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Right off the bat I was digging the RDS but I've noticed several things I don't like about it. First off it disapears when you have the sky in the backround. Shooting at drones is frusterating to say the least. This problem also happens when you are aiming at certin buildings. The only one I can use is the Mk1 because the other too are just too light.

The holo takes up a large portion of the screen, and the dot is more obstructive. but is still hold certin advantages. It seems to have just a touch of zoom, and it's visible against any surface.

I perfer holos at the moment for any AR or LMG, SMGs get the RDS.

2RDS Vs Holo Empty Re: RDS Vs Holo 2011-04-04, 14:53



It depends on the gun with me.

I'll put a RDS on the XM10 and a Holo on the ACR.

3RDS Vs Holo Empty Re: RDS Vs Holo 2011-04-04, 14:56



For the most part I like the holo over the rdr.

Silencer for the win!!!!! HAHA

4RDS Vs Holo Empty Re: RDS Vs Holo 2011-04-04, 14:58



bah. People are to dumb to notice your gun going of right next to their face let alone the little red square you make on the map.

5RDS Vs Holo Empty Re: RDS Vs Holo 2011-04-04, 15:01



Hmmm I don;t know. I feel like alot of the COD kids pay attention the the minmao ALOT! I stode in some garage on Cul de sac with my silenced Super and just wrecked with it! Guys would just keep runing past me as I shot them in the back. Tried the same tactic with my ACR and got found pretty quick.

6RDS Vs Holo Empty Re: RDS Vs Holo 2011-04-04, 15:13

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

silencers are brilliant.

love the M4 silenced. might try the T3AK silenced since the irons are decent.

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