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The headaches of minecraft modding.

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So all day I have been pretty much trying to mod minecraft. I was actually successful a couple of hours ago until I tried to install the only mod I actually wanted and it did not work -_- . Modding in minecraft is just so stupid since there is no actual modding API. So they depend on a 3rd party support tool called modloader. This thing is so fucking annoying because the way it is set up some mods will actually break other mods breaking your entire game. I just hope sdk's gun mod is fixed so I can shoot aliens with ak47's and send my army of attack guinea pigs after them.



I gave up on computer gaming and modding after I did all this stuff and followed a guide exactly,and couldn't get Fallout 3 Wanderers Edition to work... -___-



JrTapia1991 wrote:I gave up on computer gaming and modding after I did all this stuff and followed a guide exactly,and couldn't get Fallout 3 Wanderers Edition to work... -___-
It is usually your fault when it does not work.

just sayin.



probably or my computer wasn't good enough...

idk.I should of said I gave up on modding pc games rather...I still intend one of these days in beating Stalker,then Clear Sky,then getting Pripyrat.

I'm stuck with old school games for pc lol,I'm lucky to get ps2 graphics >:O



Maybe its your fault the mods dont work tom? I never had a problem modding minecraft.



zk50 x erk wrote:Maybe its your fault the mods dont work tom? I never had a problem modding minecraft.
Yes it is my fault. It was just updated and there are some files that seem to not fit properly.



erk what kind of mods you got?



If it was just updated, its common knowledge that some mods wont work...its the same way with all games. Maybe have some patience and wait for the mods to be updated.

And honestly I cant remember what mods I used. I havent played since december or so

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