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Wait the US government was going to shutdown on Friday???

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How the hell did I miss this.



I have no idea


Yea, there were disagreements about the budget and spending or something and if they couldn't decide, they'd have to freeze spending for a few weeks or something like that.



lrn2WestWing Tom.



hell yea I wondered what was up with this,and what it would of meant for the average guy.

heard it would of meant no pay for military.....that's messed up they wouldn't of paid them or delayed it a loooong time,but yet Obama and all the gov. people would still get their checks.

fuck the gov. man,they take so much out of my check every week,for food stamps,medicare,etc. but I'm not even eligible to get that stuff =/ makes my sorry paycheck even sorrier,guess min.wage is better than nothing but it's honestly a joke,the whole economy is -____-



Okay, here is quick rundown:

The Congress, senate, and the President haven't been able to agree on a budget plan for about 6 months, and have been putting out "band-aid" budgets to cover for a few weeks. They are just temporary fixes to make everyone happy, this last one runs out Thursday. A government shutdown happen before about 15 years ago, for about 2 weeks. 800,000 people will not have jobs if they shutdown, all essential services will still run (Police, emercengy response services, SSI checks, etc.) The budget issue has to do with closing out last years spending, and setting up a plan for this year. All this is normally done by October.

PS: I live right outside DC, so this is a big deal where I'm at.



Fox Shepard wrote:Okay, here is quick rundown:

The Congress, senate, and the President haven't been able to agree on a budget plan for about 6 months, and have been putting out "band-aid" budgets to cover for a few weeks. They are just temporary fixes to make everyone happy, this last one runs out Thursday. A government shutdown happen before about 15 years ago, for about 2 weeks. 800,000 people will not have jobs if they shutdown, all essential services will still run (Police, emercengy response services, SSI checks, etc.) The budget issue has to do with closing out last years spending, and setting up a plan for this year. All this is normally done by October.

PS: I live right outside DC, so this is a big deal where I'm at.
No I looked up what happened I was just surprised how my news feeds did not think this was an "important" story.

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