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Epic Humvee kill.

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1Epic Humvee kill. Empty Epic Humvee kill. 2011-04-11, 10:50

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i was attacking charlie on Angel Island (middle/first set of objectives). i ran into the main room and shot a defending wookie in the back with a silenced T3AK. then i saw a humvee drive up outside.

so i ran upstairs and bought an RPG. the humvee drove round the side of the building.
i jumped out of the window and hipfired my RPG from midair at the engine for an instakill.
then landed prone.

i was considering a teabag but i keep getting killed shortly after doing them, so i didnt Razz

2Epic Humvee kill. Empty Re: Epic Humvee kill. 2011-04-11, 21:40



I was attacking on Angel island from the bottom of the hill when i realized everyone on the enemy team had an m110 seconds before being murdered

3Epic Humvee kill. Empty Re: Epic Humvee kill. 2011-04-12, 08:49

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

^ hahaha.

i love the M110 spam at the beginning. two hills full of snipers just blasting away at each other while i sneak over to C for an easy cap.

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