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12 minutes video.

The Adli Corporation
Artimise Flare
Ars Diaboli
11 posters

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112 minutes video. Empty 12 minutes video. 2011-04-16, 18:15

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

It's all of the previous videos together, extended with bits that weren't shown before.

While I think this is great, I want MP footage, NAO. No one is buying this for the SP.

212 minutes video. Empty Re: 12 minutes video. 2011-04-16, 18:48



yeah i definitely want some MP footage or more jet footage

312 minutes video. Empty Re: 12 minutes video. 2011-04-16, 18:49

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I creamed my pants, and my god, THANKYOU DICE for bringing back fire select. Absolute day one midnight launch buy for me, I'll be buying the next generation video cards for my PC for sure when this comes out!

412 minutes video. Empty Re: 12 minutes video. 2011-04-16, 18:53



Wait whats fire select?

512 minutes video. Empty Re: 12 minutes video. 2011-04-16, 18:55



Zillah wrote:Wait whats fire select?
When you can select if you want to fire single shot or full auto. They most likely only brought it back for singleplayer like MoH.

612 minutes video. Empty Re: 12 minutes video. 2011-04-16, 18:56


I wanna see console gameplay.

712 minutes video. Empty Re: 12 minutes video. 2011-04-16, 18:56



oh thats cool, that probably ony exists on a handfull of guns though

812 minutes video. Empty Re: 12 minutes video. 2011-04-16, 18:58



Zillah wrote:oh thats cool, that probably ony exists on a handfull of guns though
That feature exists on almost all modern rifles.

912 minutes video. Empty Re: 12 minutes video. 2011-04-16, 18:58



chunckylover53 wrote:I wanna see console gameplay.

1012 minutes video. Empty Re: 12 minutes video. 2011-04-16, 18:59



t-800 wrote:
Zillah wrote:oh thats cool, that probably ony exists on a handfull of guns though
That feature exists on almost all modern rifles.

maybe in real life but not in the game

1112 minutes video. Empty Re: 12 minutes video. 2011-04-17, 00:21



Hopefully fire select will be in MP as well.

I'll say it again... that footage looks far, far to good for DICE. While the Battlefield games (that I've played) have been great gameplay wise, not one has ever been overly impressive technically.

They either hired in a ton of new talent, or another company is helping them out. It just looks to good.

One thing that that really bugged me though: When the other soldiers sprint they animate awesome and their weapons really swing around with momentum. When you sprint your first person weapon looks stiff, awkward and doesn't match up to the rest of the animation.

Bugged the shit out of me through the whole vid.

Really want to see console MP footage...

1212 minutes video. Empty Re: 12 minutes video. 2011-04-17, 01:14



i know what you mean metal, it looks like he's shaking the gun too fast compared to the speed at which he was running

1312 minutes video. Empty Re: 12 minutes video. 2011-04-17, 05:13



I pointed that gun thing out in the first trailer thread a while back. I don't think anyone understood what I was talking about... Sad

1412 minutes video. Empty Re: 12 minutes video. 2011-04-17, 08:38

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

looks pretty sweet.

on the bridge with the LMG, does the LMG mount itself in cover when you ADS close enough? it looked like it was on a bipod for a while.

1512 minutes video. Empty Re: 12 minutes video. 2011-04-17, 12:46



Adli wrote:looks pretty sweet.

on the bridge with the LMG, does the LMG mount itself in cover when you ADS close enough? it looked like it was on a bipod for a while.

Probably just stabilizes when you go prone.

1612 minutes video. Empty Re: 12 minutes video. 2011-04-18, 00:01



Artimise Flare wrote: I'll be buying the next generation video cards for my PC for sure when this comes out!

I'll be right there with you when it comes to a new video card later this year but I haven't decided whether or not I'll be getting BF3 on the PC or not yet. I'm really going to need it for Skyrim though.

1712 minutes video. Empty Re: 12 minutes video. 2011-04-18, 00:07



That LMG bipod thing when you go prone looks like DICEs evolution to their prone spam counter from 2142 (which was to reset the bloom to jump level when you start your prone) and in BF2 (they added it to BF2 [an OLDER game] because it worked well in 2142...).

1812 minutes video. Empty Re: 12 minutes video. 2011-04-18, 10:23



remShotz wrote:which was to reset the bloom to jump level when you start your prone

Explain this please. Not sure I'm following you.

1912 minutes video. Empty Re: 12 minutes video. 2011-04-18, 13:40

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Metalzoic wrote:
remShotz wrote:which was to reset the bloom to jump level when you start your prone

Explain this please. Not sure I'm following you.

just after you go prone, the spread on the LMG is the same as it would be if you are jumping.
then it settles to the normal once you've gone prone.

to stop dropshotting.

2012 minutes video. Empty Re: 12 minutes video. 2011-04-18, 17:55



Adli wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:
remShotz wrote:which was to reset the bloom to jump level when you start your prone

Explain this please. Not sure I'm following you.

just after you go prone, the spread on the LMG is the same as it would be if you are jumping.
then it settles to the normal once you've gone prone.

to stop dropshotting.

12 minutes video. Guinness-brilliant

2112 minutes video. Empty Re: 12 minutes video. 2011-04-18, 17:59

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation


epic pic.

2212 minutes video. Empty Re: 12 minutes video. 2011-04-18, 18:06



I just creamed myself

2312 minutes video. Empty Re: 12 minutes video. 2011-04-18, 19:44



I will say, though, that I was horribly guilty of dropshotting in MW2 and BO (for the little time I played it.) It was more just to troll one of my friends who absolutely hated it than as a tactic to win gunfights, although it was effective about 50% of the time. So in the end, I'm all for well thought out ways to counter dropshotting (AKA not dive to prone.)

2412 minutes video. Empty Re: 12 minutes video. 2011-04-18, 20:13

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I can't get over how good that looks. I know the consol version won't look that good but damn, it has to be close.

2512 minutes video. Empty Re: 12 minutes video. 2011-04-18, 20:36



Im still gonna be worried as long as its only 24.players Sad

2612 minutes video. Empty Re: 12 minutes video. 2011-04-18, 21:38

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Yeah, the game looks amazing. I'm thinking that the console version will look just barely better than BC2 though. The hardware is just too old to keep up with the awesomeness.

And like Symbolic said, 24 players...

Sorry, I can't accept that. It's PC version for me. And I'll connect the PC to my HDTV. I'm drooling just thinking about it D:

2712 minutes video. Empty Re: 12 minutes video. 2011-04-18, 22:57



Hopefully we'll be able to edit our FOV on the PC again so we're not running around with blinders on. That's something that has always irked me on console FPS games.

2812 minutes video. Empty Re: 12 minutes video. 2011-04-18, 23:04



This might be the first game ever to force me to build a rig

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