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good games last night :D

Captain Pirate Pineapple
The Adli Corporation
8 posters

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1good games last night :D Empty good games last night :D 2011-04-19, 07:15

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

lost 4 or 5 tags to DL including literally landing on his knife, then started to get flukey shotgun kills on him Very Happy
lost god knows how many tags to Khult (that guy scares me lol)

got some poweredtoastman tags while hunting DL, then got killed by DL a few seconds later Sad

then played some SDM on panama canal with Zillah, Greg, Toast, Grey, Khult and Cardboard. lots more tags to Khult but got some Assualt recon kills (HF has made me better at twitchiness so i put an RDS on the Sv98).

Khult is weird though, everytime i see him dart off into a building i always think its a cunning trap and run away lol.
its like jaws, you see him bunny hopping at you then he dives down an alley then out another one and chases you down Shocked

2good games last night :D Empty Re: good games last night :D 2011-04-19, 08:19

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Yeah, I kept getting yelled at last night too, by DL I think. I have that habit of running around, all bloody and low on health, and not stopping for a health pack. I did try for a few tags on some of you guys in the beginning, but don't think I got any.

3good games last night :D Empty Re: good games last night :D 2011-04-19, 09:53



Oh sure. Zillah joins after I leave. Evil or Very Mad

We actually had a pretty cool randy before you guys showed up. We were teaching him the ways of the shotgun. Need to send FR, but I forget his GT.

Had fun until I started getting shot by peoples backs.

4good games last night :D Empty Re: good games last night :D 2011-04-19, 09:54



I lost and gained nothing as i weren't a part of the shenanigans... Sad

5good games last night :D Empty Re: good games last night :D 2011-04-19, 10:08


Quick, stupid question here.
All this talk of tags got me looking at knife kills vs tags collected and all of you appear to have more tags than you do knife kills............................... howzatwurk?

6good games last night :D Empty Re: good games last night :D 2011-04-19, 10:12



the tag number is how many you've collected i believe. the kills number is how many UNIQUE tags you collected.

7good games last night :D Empty Re: good games last night :D 2011-04-19, 10:25



The ONE fracking night I don't play and all you chicken fuckers go have fun without me.

8good games last night :D Empty Re: good games last night :D 2011-04-19, 10:29


Every time someone calls someone a chicken fucker all I can picture is that chicken scene in The Devil's Rejects. Makes me laugh every time. "DO I LOOK LIKE A CHICKEN FUCKER TO YOU?"

9good games last night :D Empty Re: good games last night :D 2011-04-19, 10:41



i wasn't actually on Tex. I haven't played since friday. LOL chickenfucker... i said that in a thread months ago when we had our SuperTrooper theme going on... Movie quotes FTW.

10good games last night :D Empty Re: good games last night :D 2011-04-19, 10:42

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

No BC2 for Ter last night. What up DL!? did you give up on Homefront already! I'm just getting to really enjoy that game

11good games last night :D Empty Re: good games last night :D 2011-04-19, 10:46



Homefront is a huge disappointment for me. I may be done with it and about to trade it in.

12good games last night :D Empty Re: good games last night :D 2011-04-19, 11:07



Portal 2 cough!! tongue

13good games last night :D Empty Re: good games last night :D 2011-04-19, 12:09

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

If I had gamefly or something I would definetly try Portal with you tater, but unfortunetly I do not. Nor do i have another $60 laying around to blow on a game.

14good games last night :D Empty Re: good games last night :D 2011-04-19, 12:37

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

sheep wrote:Had fun until I started getting shot by peoples backs.

im pretty sure my back didnt shoot you. my M16 did though Very Happy

15good games last night :D Empty Re: good games last night :D 2011-04-19, 12:51



I think that happened just before you joined Adli. I was shootin someone in the back of the head and he killed me lol

16good games last night :D Empty Re: good games last night :D 2011-04-19, 13:09

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

aah must be that newfangled 40mm neck-tie.

what did it display the kill as, death?

17good games last night :D Empty Re: good games last night :D 2011-04-19, 13:59



That hapens to me a lot. Empty half a clip into a guys back, I hear the crack of one round before he even turns around and I am dead. Lag sucks

18good games last night :D Empty Re: good games last night :D 2011-04-19, 15:21

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

oh god, Khult took 11 of my tags last night... Shocked

19good games last night :D Empty Re: good games last night :D 2011-04-19, 15:36



Sheesh that boys a neenja!

20good games last night :D Empty Re: good games last night :D 2011-04-19, 15:37

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

Ouch. He got about 6 of mine, and I took 3 of his. And Grey got me back finally.

21good games last night :D Empty Re: good games last night :D 2011-04-19, 15:38

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i got toast's tags while hunting for DLs lol.

they show up as Liquid N02 tags though, the system doesnt seem to like GT changes scratch

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