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You guys HAVE to check out this game

The Adli Corporation
Epyk MD
9 posters

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There is a free trial that will smack you in the face when you go to the dashboard

havent played the predessesor, but i played the demo. awesome game. of all the game ive so far looked at this one is the top contender especially beacause of the $15 price tag. for the price of a cod dlc you get a value better than bc2 vietnam.

first the cons. the game may not be that popular. and the snipers are very halo-like (1 hit headshot and 2 body i THINK) the sensativity and control scheme isnt too different but can be a little confusing at first. and the game is going to be confusing when you first literally drop in, but you can pick it up quick

now the pros.
1. dedcated server 16v16 multiplayer with a gow style bot system that fills in to keep teams balanced
2. a moh(?) style scorestreak reward system. the game awards you with points for any team action. use those points to airdrop in turrets and reinforcements
3. its a very strategy team based game with a good amount of squadwork
4. a halo style humiliation assassination when you use a knife. one of them you punch the guy in the face twice and then jam a blade in his forehead
5. havent tried it but swarm mode looks like gow horde mode
6. if anything its a 15$ campaign that does not look boring at all
7. CUSTOMIZATION. so much customization
8. there are those mission things that i havent figured out yet but im pretty sure that its like homefronts star system thingy.
9. not being popular isnt a bad thing. most of all less of the population will be leet pro cod snipes people and more of the people like us, leading for a more reliable team
10) every guy has a super sprint and jetpack to keep the large maps full of action

what'ya'say? im definately getting it, at least try the demo



There is demo? I'll check the demo out. Just because jetpacks sound awesome.



Downloaded the Demo last night but haven't had a chance to play it yet.
I've been waiting on it (and planning to buy it) for awhile now.

I enjoyed Section 8 so I think it's pretty cool that the new-improved version is an arcade game now. I almost bought the first for $60. If I see you on DPP I'll join you.



Will download and try the next time I go on.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Ill check it out tomorrow afternoon.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

thats looks pretty cool.

kindof like halo reach fused with the original Halo, and a butt load of other games.

i like the ADS on the shotguns Smile



Is this the game you were talking about in our party last night, tall?



I'm up for it. Looks very Halo but with a twist.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

ill deff download it for later tonight to join you guys.



i just got the official game but my bro is on right now...



I'll check out the demo.



got a chance to play the full game in depth last night. opinion is still good

the game is alittle tough to pick up at first but after its a blast

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

I have the demo. Never played it



ok if anyone has any questions ill field them

tried out swarm mode and its basically firefight from halo but with deployable turrets. still was fun

one thing, play the campaign demo before the multiplayer the demo will teach you about stuff and the only thing you wont know is dcm's and scoretreak calling. to call ur scorestreak press up on the d pad and slect using left and right dpad, press a to select. you can only order stuff in when you are not in range of an enemy aa gun

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