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Gears 3

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1Gears 3  Empty Gears 3 2011-04-22, 17:57



Just a quick guide those of you starting the beta Monday.
Before the match starts you can hit B to get an overview on the map showing positions on weapons and if you join mid-match you'll see where everyone is too, but that's only as your joining.

the maps:

Checkout: lots of cover and corners. Can be a good shotgun map. spawns are on opposite ends (long ways) one side has shelf's on it the other is a seperate room. The shelf side has the power weapon: digger launcher, longshot, digger. In that order the mulcher spawns in walled of section in front of the separate room. Grenades spawn in front of both if you look towards the middle. the power weapon side has a raised area (grenades are there) good for a snipers perch. Pistols spawn in the bathroom.

thrashball: basically a giant oval with debris on the field. spawns on opposite sides long wise. One side has a downed raven on it, the other takes up into the stands. the power weapon (digger, tourqe bow, digger) spawns in the middle but can be covered by shooting down the scoreboard. grenades spawn in the ally with the raven (it can be a death trap, for the other team if your smart). the stands holds the mulcher (mortar in second round). It's easy to take the stands (high ground) grab the mulcher or mortar and mow down the other team. Keep in mind there are little sections on the stairs that have a clean shot at you when you get the mulcher/mortar

trenches: haven't played this one much (just entered rotation), but I'll try. It is symmetrical like the rest, but the spawns aren't opposite, they are on the separate halves (you can't look ahead and see the spawn in other words), there are boomshields at each spawn, and grenades by each spawn, in the middle is the mortar and opposite of that (between spawns) is a mulcher/oneshot. In front of the spawns are platforms where you can see mortar spot. Good if you use the Hammerburst. If you find yourself out numbered towards the end of TDM, go back towards your spawn. get in cover and let them come to you. use a shottie. (I did this earlier and got a 6 kill streak, we still lost but I made them pay dearly)

Old Town: another one I'm not too familiar with and it's kinda hard to describe. It's symmetrical, and the spawns are similar to trenches. the power weapon (digger/ boomshot) is on the east side, and a longshot on the west. scorchers are in front of the spawns. I really haven't gotten a good feel for it yet, as I get more familiar with it, I'll add stuff.


Lancer: Nothing new, low damage, rapid fire, accurate, chainsaw close, can still lose rev if shot
Hammerburst: Higher damage, accurate, low rate of fire. If you use LT to aim, then click the right stuck you get a FP view of the iron sights adding to accuracy.
retro-lancer: High damage, lowest accuracy, mid range rate of fire. Hold B to start charge, after some momentum you can impale someone.
Gnasher: shotgun, still good at midrange, can't two-piece like GoW2. Larger magazine, can still one shot kill at close range
sawed-off: one shot mag, deadly at close range ( like melee close) slowest reload time, only four shots total. This gun is a love/hate amongst the community. i like it, but you need to know how to use it or be suicidal

Side note on shotties----- if 2 people shoot each other at the same time, and are in killing range, both players will die in pieces. Not a favorite thing for most people (they miss host)

Power Weapons:
Longshot: Nothing really new, sniper, zoom is a little much for some stages
Boomshot: Nothing really new
digger launcher: new weapon shoots in a straight line (my fav) launches a drill into the ground (goes under object) when it gets near an enemy it pops up out of the ground and explodes. can take out groups, and there is that little beeping noise before it blows. Good for getting people around corners and in cover. if you shoot at an enemy in close range in drills into them (really cool looking)
scorcher: flamethower, nothing new

heavy weapons:

Mulcher: nothing new
Mortar: nothing new
Oneshot: heavy duty sniper rifle, a little laser gives away when you are aiming, but one shot from it kills

snub: nothing new
boltok: nothing new, good for headshots
gorgon smg: use to be the gorgon pistol in GoW2, now it is fully auto fire.

Hope this helps, if I forgot anything I'll try to add it ASAP

2Gears 3  Empty Re: Gears 3 2011-04-22, 20:09

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I just wanted to note that the Hammerburst doesn't really have the lowes rate of fire. At least if you use it how it's supposed to be used, and that's by tapping the trigger like crazy. There's little recoil and because of it, it's a very good weapon which combines accuracy, long range capabilities, good damage and good rate of fire. I think it may get nerfed and get heavier recoil, because it's almost not there.

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