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Sooo ready to quit my job...

Captain Pirate Pineapple
Mrs. Terry of Hat
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1Sooo ready to quit my job... Empty Sooo ready to quit my job... 2011-04-26, 19:55

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Long story. But here's to hoping I find a new one soon, haha.

Cross your fingers!



Tell us this long story Very Happy



Wow that suck Mrs. Terry. Didn't you love your job?

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

I do love my job, just hate my administration. I've realized that they are never going to meet anything I need or want there and I'm tired of bring overworked and stressed, haha. I love my kids and my coworkers so it'd suck to leave but if I'm never going to get what I need there then no point in staying forever Sad

Basically I have a lot of special needs kids in my room and they aren't getting me the help I need with them. My boss cares more about money than the kids and I can't stay there with that.



Would you have somewhere else to go?

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Mrs. Terry of Hat wrote:Basically I have a lot of special needs kids in my room and they aren't getting me the help I need with them. My boss cares more about money than the kids and I can't stay there with that.

I'm sort of in the same boat as you with this. I work in a warehouse though, and well my boss is more about money than doing the smart things. Had to deal with temps for the past 3 months even though my friend and I could do the job faster than doing it with a temp there. To make it worse, they were paying out more money for the temp than what either one of us were getting paid.

Hopefully things work out for you.

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

I'm looking around now. I'm pretty overqualified for my field of work so I shouldn't have a problem getting another job similar to mine but making more money and being happier, haha.

Don't you love it Kalei!? Makes no sense!



When i went to School every special needs Kid had a helper

Also alot of them had their parents their alot as well



Ouch. That sucks Mrz Hat!

Stick to the man I says!



Mrs. Terry of Hat wrote:making more money and being happier, haha.
Unfortunately that does not go hand in hand in most cases. Unless, of course, you define happiness as having more money.





StormEye wrote:
Mrs. Terry of Hat wrote:making more money and being happier, haha.
Unfortunately that does not go hand in hand in most cases. Unless, of course, you define happiness as having more money.


That is one crazy ass emoticon.



Penguin getting old and tired.



StormEye wrote:Penguin getting old and tired.
I really wish you would post more Sad



I wish I could too. Though the times I get on are weird, and because I have not played any games for a long time now, I am so outdated.

I am reserved to only making comments on already going topics/posts, rather than openly participating in discussion/conversation.



StormEye wrote:I wish I could too. Though the times I get on are weird, and because I have not played any games for a long time now, I am so outdated.

I am reserved to only making comments on already going topics/posts, rather than openly participating in discussion/conversation.
Sad well maybe one day we can play together again. Good Luck man.



Mrs. Terry of Hat wrote:I do love my job, just hate my administration. I've realized that they are never going to meet anything I need or want there and I'm tired of bring overworked and stressed, haha. I love my kids and my coworkers so it'd suck to leave but if I'm never going to get what I need there then no point in staying forever Sad

Basically I have a lot of special needs kids in my room and they aren't getting me the help I need with them. My boss cares more about money than the kids and I can't stay there with that.

ah yes, todays education system run by money hungry IDIOTS.

sorry to hear this Mrs. Terry. Everything appeared to be on the UP and UP a few months back!



Our school systems in America are starting to scare me.

I need to get rich so I can send my kids to private school or something.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

sheep wrote:Our school systems in America are starting to scare me.

I need to get rich so I can send my kids to private school or something.

The wifey and I don't even have a kid yet, but we are looking into home schooling or private schools. I went to both a private and public school. Private schools are hard as hell, but you do have a lot more options and things to learn than you do with public schools.



I keep forgetting you're a grown up with a wife Kalei. I think I will forever and always have a permanent mental picture of you as a frat boy.

School was good when I was attending it. But the horror stories I hear now, and the stupid questions I get asked by highschool kids (what's the different between a 6 inch and a footlong? which one is bigger?) are freaking me out a little.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

sheep wrote:I keep forgetting you're a grown up with a wife Kalei. I think I will forever and always have a permanent mental picture of you as a frat boy.

That's kind of funny because I was never a frat boy. Never even went to college. Well I went to college's but I wasn't enrolled. Just partied at some. Alright, I understand where that idea would come from.



LOL sheep there's idiots everywhere, age doesn't matter.

Before i started working in flooring sales another guy was hired for the job. (keep in mind this guys in his 40's) So they go out to do some measuring on a job site, and my co-worker/ex boss says "ok what does the tape measure say?" the guy responded with "145 and 1...2...3 little lines"... He was fired that day.



Yes the Moronity today astounds me

No shit i actually heard someone use Moronity as an insult against someone today Very Happy



A lot of people my age around here are seriously borderline ********.

Example 1: Straight-edge kid- Pot is horrible for you!
Me- notsureifserious.jpg

Example 2: Idiot- Yo Miss, wer da paper at?(Standing right in front of a
basket filled with loose-leaf paper.)

Example 3: Moron- *20 minutes into class right after we take notes
and the teacher gives us some examples*
Miss, can I get a pencil?

Example 4: Dipshit- Eggplant? Da fuck is that?(I shit you not.)
Me- /facepalm /faceplam /facepalm

Kalei, you're better of sending you child to private school.

Last edited by Speedball on 2011-04-28, 21:30; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Use of a Banned Word)



Cant use the R word Lovin



Speedball wrote:Cant use the R word Lovin

Oh, sorry, I forgot... >_>



Beat the Lovin' right out of him!

Ehehehe. I love me some stupid people.... not.

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