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Gears 2 online?

Dropped Da Soap
Ars Diaboli
9 posters

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1Gears 2 online? Empty Gears 2 online? 2011-04-27, 01:59



How is the Gears 2 online? I was playing Gears 1 online today, and ill admit that I got frustrated. It was also my first time though.

2Gears 2 online? Empty Re: Gears 2 online? 2011-04-27, 02:46

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Gameplay wise? Better than Gears 1.

Netcode wise, horrible.

I loved the game, when it worked. If you manage to get used to the lag, it's fun, but it can be very rage-inducing. I'm even raging with the Gears 3 beta sometimes. I need my Warzone playlist ;-;

3Gears 2 online? Empty Re: Gears 2 online? 2011-04-27, 03:19



Eh. I liked Guardian more. But that CTL mode was my idea back when they first announced CTM on Gears 2.

4Gears 2 online? Empty Re: Gears 2 online? 2011-04-27, 03:22

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I miss being good. I was quite decent at Gears 2, but downright suck in 3 right now. It may take me some time to get used to it.

5Gears 2 online? Empty Re: Gears 2 online? 2011-04-27, 08:10



Gears 2 online can be fun, it's really kind of a gnasher-fest, and if you get host (it's p2p connections) you can dominate, if not......

I played it for 3 months straight and had alot of fun, but i was playing with friends. I played Guardian.

6Gears 2 online? Empty Re: Gears 2 online? 2011-04-27, 14:32

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Its a lot better now then it used to be.
Just play the social playlist if you want to actually play. No one plays Ranked anymore and the ones that do play like total douches.

7Gears 2 online? Empty Re: Gears 2 online? 2011-04-27, 14:43



I've mopstly played Gears 2 online for Horde mode. Love me some horde!

8Gears 2 online? Empty Re: Gears 2 online? 2011-04-27, 14:45



Horde Mode! played with DL, Mills, and Stink not too long ago and I really liked it...didn't have a clue of what the hell I was doing but I liked it.

9Gears 2 online? Empty Re: Gears 2 online? 2011-04-27, 14:46



Yeah, horde is freaking awesome! I think its way better than zombies or anything.

10Gears 2 online? Empty Re: Gears 2 online? 2011-04-28, 00:35



DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:I've mopstly played Gears 2 online for Horde mode. Love me some horde!


gears 3 hoard will dominate my weekends

11Gears 2 online? Empty Re: Gears 2 online? 2011-04-28, 03:09



I still haven't gotten to play with any of you guys. Sad Of course, I haven't touched my xbox in... well, a while. Whenever it was I played with DL last. Probably last week or something.

12Gears 2 online? Empty Re: Gears 2 online? 2011-04-28, 03:11



So I picked it up today, along with all the map packs. Is there a mode with respawns? I know guardian has it, and I may start playing more of that. The rest of the modes all seem the same: Run in, kill, get killed, and wait for the next round.

Though Horde is fun as always XD It took me a while to remember how to play this game.

13Gears 2 online? Empty Re: Gears 2 online? 2011-04-28, 03:12



Favorite part of the game so far?

14Gears 2 online? Empty Re: Gears 2 online? 2011-04-28, 03:20



Its a solid 3rd person shooter. I have too many FPS's, and they are all seeming to blend together. This is a nice break.

15Gears 2 online? Empty Re: Gears 2 online? 2011-04-28, 19:38

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Ban_Man95 wrote:So I picked it up today, along with all the map packs. Is there a mode with respawns? I know guardian has it, and I may start playing more of that. The rest of the modes all seem the same: Run in, kill, get killed, and wait for the next round.

Though Horde is fun as always XD It took me a while to remember how to play this game.

ANNEX. I was horrible at Execution and Warzone, always died first. So I played Annex.

16Gears 2 online? Empty Re: Gears 2 online? 2011-04-28, 20:06



Im just confused because they dont include the objective or a description. Id like to know what im doing....

And whats the difference between Warzone and Execution? They both seem exactly the same.

And is there a mode with respawns? Im not exactly a fan of waiting, lol

17Gears 2 online? Empty Re: Gears 2 online? 2011-04-28, 20:35

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Warzone is basically where you can people in any means. First team to win 5 rounds, wins.
You win a round when you kill everyone on the other team. You die once, your dead till the next round.

Execution is basically Warzone except you can't kill people by downing them, and then shooting them. You can only kill people by downing them, running up and hitting Y to execute them, or killing them with a power weapon like the Boomshot, or the Torque Bow. Same match rules as Warzone.

Annex is a capture the ring kinda mode. Rings randomly appear in the arena with a time limit of 60 seconds. Your team gets one point for every second the ring is held. First team to reach 170 wins.

Capture the Meatbag: There is a stranded human in the arena. Both teams compete to grab him, use him as a shield and drag him to their HQ for several seconds to get a point. First teams to 3 win. The Meatbag will fight and try and kill anyone who comes near, COG or Locust.

Then King the Hill:Self-explanatory.

Both Annex, King of the Hill, Capture the Meatbag, all have infinite respawns.

18Gears 2 online? Empty Re: Gears 2 online? 2011-04-28, 20:38



You have no idea how much that helps XD
I tried looking it up, but nothing gives any insight to respawns. It was frustrating Evil or Very Mad

19Gears 2 online? Empty Re: Gears 2 online? 2011-04-28, 20:41

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

TYhere might be other game modes, but I forgot what they were.

20Gears 2 online? Empty Re: Gears 2 online? 2011-04-28, 21:24

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

By the way, you can also kill in Execution by just shooting at someone close enough. You have to be really close, like melee distance.

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