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Why Google Images Why!?

Mrs. Terry of Hat
Cardboard Fox
The Mr. E of Hat
10 posters

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1Why Google Images Why!? Empty Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 14:45

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

Don't ask me why but..I was looking for pictures of a chainsaw for....stuffs... but one of the first images that comes up is a cartoon image of a rocker looking shirtless guy chainsawing away at another guys groin region...

people frighten and confuse me...

2Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 14:47



Buwahahaha I almost spit my coffee out reading that!

3Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 14:48



Sounds about right.

4Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 14:50

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

This is why you don't turn safesearch off.

5Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 14:51

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

Cardboard Fox wrote:This is why you don't turn safesearch off.

That was with safe search. I'm too afraid to turn it off most of the time.

6Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 14:52



The Mr. E of Hat wrote:
Cardboard Fox wrote:This is why you don't turn safesearch off.

That was with safe search. I'm too afraid to turn it off most of the time.
Having safesearch off is so much fun though.

7Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 14:54



With safe search off 90% of the images are all porn. No topic is safe.

8Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 14:56

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

huh....chainsaw porn...

-tries to imagine it-

...ew....nevermind...just....leave me to cry in the corner...

9Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 15:05



Ever hear of 2 girls 1 cup. Jesus someone tricked me into watching that and I am scared for life *face twitches*

10Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 15:08



DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:Ever hear of 2 girls 1 cup. Jesus someone tricked me into watching that and I am scared for life *face twitches*
I am still happy that I never saw that. I would have saw it once when gawker got hacked but I had flashblocker Very Happy

11Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 15:09

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

I have heard so many horror stories and have thus far avoided it. It was big in highschool during the era of AIM to mask links and trick your friends so...I dont trust links to begin with so I think I'm safe.

12Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 15:10



The Mr. E of Hat wrote:I have heard so many horror stories and have thus far avoided it. It was big in highschool during the era of AIM to mask links and trick your friends so...I dont trust links to begin with so I think I'm safe.
So you have never been to my blog?

13Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 15:10



O my poor eyes will never recover.

14Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 15:10



My friend sent me a link to it on AIM. I closed it pretty quickly.

This guy always found links to the most random and messed up stuff. Like cake farts.

15Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 15:12

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

t-800 wrote:
The Mr. E of Hat wrote:I have heard so many horror stories and have thus far avoided it. It was big in highschool during the era of AIM to mask links and trick your friends so...I dont trust links to begin with so I think I'm safe.
So you have never been to my blog?

Nope. I'm an intraweb shut in. rarely do I wander away from my...well....hell I don't do anything.

16Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 15:12

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:O my poor eyes will never recover.

lol is this from 2 girls 1 cup or from his blog?

17Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 15:13



The Mr. E of Hat wrote:
t-800 wrote:
The Mr. E of Hat wrote:I have heard so many horror stories and have thus far avoided it. It was big in highschool during the era of AIM to mask links and trick your friends so...I dont trust links to begin with so I think I'm safe.
So you have never been to my blog?

Nope. I'm an intraweb shut in. rarely do I wander away from my...well....hell I don't do anything.
Well you should lol.

18Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 15:14



The Mr. E of Hat wrote:
DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:O my poor eyes will never recover.

lol is this from 2 girls 1 cup or from his blog?

Maybe both! HAHA. No its the 2 girls 1 cup thing. His blog is safe.

19Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 19:47



I never have Safesearch on

I like to live Life on the edge!

20Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 19:50

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

Speedball wrote:I never have Safesearch on

I like to live Life on the edge!

You sir...are a hero amongst men. I shall name my first born child after your greatness.

21Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 19:51



I would never wish the name Fred on any child good sir

22Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 19:52

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Wait, we're naming our firstborn Frost!?

Don't know about that. Maybe if we use his real name...which happens to be the same as my grandpa...haha!

23Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 19:54



I turn of safe-search usually, its always awkward when my dad comes up to me and asks me to look something up for him on images though....


24Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 19:54



Dont do it the lameness of that name is Overwhelming Very Happy

25Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 19:56


The internet... Where mental scars happen every 10 seconds.

i was on AIM one day don't use it anymore use to see a lot of nice pics on it too... One day my friend showed me a pic and a mental scar formed all over my brain..

I don't even know how to sum it up in a freindly way.

26Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 19:57

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

chunckylover53 wrote:The internet... Where mental scars happen every 10 seconds.

i was on AIM one day don't use it anymore use to see a lot of nice pics on it too... One day my friend showed me a pic and a mental scar formed all over my brain..

I don't even know how to sum it up in a freindly way.

It's ok...I felt that way when I first saw Epyks face too...

27Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 20:02



Cant have been worse than the guy who started posting Goatse on the speakeasy

28Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 20:07

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

Speedball wrote:Cant have been worse than the guy who started posting Goatse on the speakeasy

haha the Mrs doesnt know what that is. I just shook my head at her...

29Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 20:08

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

I have no clue haha. I asked if I should Google it and Ehat just laughed and said no.

30Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 20:10



Let me sum up Goatse with a quote

"When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back into you"

So dont do it!

31Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 20:11

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Ew! Ehat just told me what it was. Glad I didn't Google that shit.

32Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 20:13



Tell me do you know what a GILF is? Very Happy

33Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 20:14

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

I know what the ILF is and I can fill in the G with various random words. Does that count!?

34Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 20:17




35Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 20:17



Good enough

Hmmm whats next?

Wheres soap when you need him Very Happy

36Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 20:19


Never heard of it will make sure i avoid it =o.

37Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 20:24



chunckylover53 wrote:Never heard of it will make sure i avoid it >O<.

Never heard of it huh?Sure i believe you Very Happy

38Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 21:00

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Weaklings! 2 Girls 1 Cup is fucking hilarious! I'd watch it again and again if I could find a link for it that would work again! There was also something else I saw once that was funny as well. It was called Brazilian Fart Porn. A bunch of chicks farting in each others faces. One of the funniest things I think I have ever seen in my life.

39Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 21:02



Black Dynamite wrote:Weaklings! 2 Girls 1 Cup is fucking hilarious! I'd watch it again and again if I could find a link for it that would work again! There was also something else I saw once that was funny as well. It was called Brazilian Fart Porn. A bunch of chicks farting in each others faces. One of the funniest things I think I have ever seen in my life.

You'd probably like Cake Farts if you like that. It's a very specific fetish that makes absolutely no sense at all.

40Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 21:05



*Watchs as Kalei gets high by putting Coke up a Chicks ass then snorting the air when she farts*

Your right it is hilarious

41Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 21:07

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Chewy wrote:
Black Dynamite wrote:Weaklings! 2 Girls 1 Cup is fucking hilarious! I'd watch it again and again if I could find a link for it that would work again! There was also something else I saw once that was funny as well. It was called Brazilian Fart Porn. A bunch of chicks farting in each others faces. One of the funniest things I think I have ever seen in my life.

You'd probably like Cake Farts if you like that. It's a very specific fetish that makes absolutely no sense at all.

MY GOD!! I just Google'd it! Clicked on the first link and there was a little video! Fucking hilarious!

42Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 21:08

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Speedball wrote:*Watchs as Kalei gets high by putting Coke up a Chicks ass then snorting the air when she farts*

Your right it is hilarious

Sounds like a good time! And what are we here to do? That's right, have a good time!

43Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 21:11



Still nothing worse than Blue waffle Very Happy

44Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 21:13



Ahh AIM... those were the days. The days of sending transsexual porn to my friends lolz.

45Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 21:16



I dare You to google Blue waffle pineapple

In fact i double dare you with a side order of Dare fries!

*Starts making clucking noises till Kalei does it*

46Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 21:19

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Speedball wrote:I dare You to google Blue waffle pineapple

In fact i double dare you with a side order of Dare fries!

*Starts making clucking noises till Kalei does it*

That's just nasty looking. Thanks Frost, now I'll never be able to eat waffles again. That sucks too because I just got a waffle maker. Sad

47Why Google Images Why!? Empty Re: Why Google Images Why!? 2011-04-27, 21:21



Black Dynamite wrote:
Speedball wrote:I dare You to google Blue waffle pineapple

In fact i double dare you with a side order of Dare fries!

*Starts making clucking noises till Kalei does it*

That's just nasty looking. Thanks Frost, now I'll never be able to eat waffles again. That sucks too because I just got a waffle maker. Sad

Mmmmmm.... waffles with blueberry syrup sound extra good right now. Very Happy

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