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Portal 2 co op partners

Captain Pirate Pineapple
7 posters

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1Portal 2 co op partners Empty Portal 2 co op partners 2011-04-30, 14:48



Anyone? Tater? Im almost done with the SP and wanna hit the co op soon. Im moving this weekend so ill cany play till monday. But id like to know whos interested?

2Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-04-30, 14:56



I already did the co op with my brother but if you need someone to play it with then I'm up for playing it again.

3Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-04-30, 15:23

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I'm up for it as well. I'm going to be going out to eat soon, but I'll be online later like 5 EST.

4Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-04-30, 15:25



I'll help ya symbolic. I'll be on monday.

I was on last night but you never showed. Of course i stuck around from 9-9:30 EST but that's only 6-6:30 PST.. had work today so i didn't stay online.


Play with whoever you like Sym. don't wait on me if Volt or Kalei can help you.

5Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-04-30, 15:31



Yea sorry bout that Derp. I got super busy with the move and didnt get on till late. I wont be online till monday, but ill look for you guys.

6Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-04-30, 15:36



I myself wont be on tonight or tomorrow either...

tonight: Comedian Bob Marley
tomorrow: shooting plastic at kids/adults.

7Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-04-30, 17:06



Tater wrote:I myself wont be on tonight or tomorrow either...

tonight: Comedian Bob Marley
tomorrow: shooting plastic at kids/adults.

trying to platinum the t88 i see

8Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-04-30, 22:56



scratch Why didn't you want to play with me?

Has DPP been telling stories about what a pain in the ass I am in co-op games again?

9Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-01, 14:09

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Finally got the last achievement for the SP Campaign. There's a video on the dashboard about how they got it, and it worked nicely. It's the Schrodinger's Catch one. It's nothing but pure luck, but they said that they usually seen it come out of the one side and well that's what happened with me. Now, for the last couple Co-Op achievements, and it will be 1000/1000.

10Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-01, 17:19



I.didnt know you had portal 2 omni

11Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-01, 17:42

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I didn't know you had Portal 2 either, but then again, I don't think you're on my FL. If either one of you are still looking to play, let me know as I can hop on now.

12Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-01, 21:37



Metalzoic wrote: scratch Why didn't you want to play with me?

Has DPP been telling stories about what a pain in the ass I am in co-op games again?

what are u talking abou...

wait... Evil or Very Mad


13Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-01, 22:09



Update! Move is complete! Getting my internet switched to the new digs tomorrow. So any evening starting tomorrow Im down to play. Gonna finish SP tonight. On chapter 9, and it feels like im getting near the end.

14Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-01, 23:32



Kabal wrote:Update! Move is complete! Getting my internet switched to the new digs tomorrow. So any evening starting tomorrow Im down to play. Gonna finish SP tonight. On chapter 9, and it feels like im getting near the end.

Congrats man. I might actually get a chance to play a game tonight... we'll see.

Gotta deal with my drunk out of control wife first. Maybe Nyquil will knock her out?

15Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-03, 12:02



If you haven't done it yet i can still help you out sym?

I never really got on last night... DAMNED spring cleaning! Should be around tonight though.

16Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-03, 19:52



I finished SP last night. So I havent even touched co op yet! Im down to play with anybody. The co op looks amazing.

Also I have to say I was either laughing hysterically or had a huge stupid smile on my face 90% of the time in SP. Amazing writing.

17Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-03, 19:59

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Kabal wrote:I finished SP last night. So I havent even touched co op yet! Im down to play with anybody. The co op looks amazing.

Also I have to say I was either laughing hysterically or had a huge stupid smile on my face 90% of the time in SP. Amazing writing.

I'm online now playing some Assassin's Creed 3, but I'll switch over to some Portal 2 for a little Co-Op.

18Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-03, 20:15



Bad timing! Just about to leave for pt Sad

19Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-04, 00:57



Ill be on tomorrow evening if anyone wants to play. I haven't started yet so well have to play from the very beginning(just a heads up). I can be on from 5pm to 8pm, or 8 through 11 pm for you east coasters.

20Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-04, 08:22

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I'll be online tonight playing something.

21Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-04, 09:25



I never made it online last night myself.

i won't be online in the time frame your on... Wed nights TV night.

22Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-04, 20:40



Im on now. If anyone wants to play co op kust shoot me a message.

23Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-04, 23:01



Got through the first two chapters with Kalei before I had to go. Its a blast. I think Glados is even meaner than in SP!

24Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-05, 17:09




no achievement for me... Kalei will get it though! Razz

25Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-05, 17:27



Ill glady run through it with you too tater. I love this game. Its a classic. I think the co op puzzles so far are alot easier, but also more fun. Fun as hell falling through 4 portals and being launched at a super high velocity lol.

26Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-05, 18:19



Hey I have PT again here today but will be home in about 2 hours. Ill hop on and if anyone wants to play Portal let me know, or Ill shoot ya a message.

27Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-05, 19:55

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

One of my friends is borrowing my copy, so I won't have it back until next week sometime.

28Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-05, 20:36



No prob

29Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-13, 12:04

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

And finished! Got 100% on Portal 2 Achievements! Let me know if anyone else wants some help yet or not.

30Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-13, 12:12



I finished coop with sym last night... i know i still need several. Including making it through stage 3 without either person dying. lol sym and i died there several times last night.

i know he needs the winning at rock paper scissors. we tried but almost 90% of teh time we both threw scissors!!! FAIL.

Got my hug 3 friends achievement thanks Kalei/shoji/Sym.

31Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-13, 16:05



Haha yea it was great times. I got the book so for some of the cheevos we could cheat a bit ha.

32Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-13, 16:12



Sym, do you have Gears 2 or Reach?

33Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-13, 16:20



No sorry Sad

I have Gears 1 though.

Did you try the Gears 3 beta? I really like it. I already like it more than gears 1 and 2 mp combined. Its so refined now, and the mechanics are great.

34Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-13, 16:22



I havent played the beta, but I will probably pick up Gears 3.

I ask, because a few of us are planning on playing together this weekend. It seems Gears 2 or Halo Reach are the options. I thought I'd invite ya.

35Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-13, 16:28



Gears 2 is probably damn cheap these days, and I wanted to replay the sp again before gears 3. maybe ill run down to gamestop today.

36Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-13, 16:30



DL and I have been playing Horde mode a bit. But our schedules conflict a lot.

37Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-13, 16:33



Are you guys playing tomorrow or sunday?

38Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-13, 17:48



Saturday it seems for DL. I will be on for most of the weekend though. Looking for some fools to play with.

39Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-13, 21:01



Well I got Gears 2 today with all the dlc. Ill be down to play this weekend.

40Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-13, 23:19



im on for saturday

41Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-15, 15:28



I picked up Portal 2 btw. Very fun game.

42Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-15, 15:30



Mills hit me up if you wanna plat some co op. Me and derp played through it, also did the beginning with Kalei. Amazing game.

43Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-15, 15:30



Will do man. I have only messed with the SP so far.

44Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-15, 15:35



Do the SP first to get used to the mechanics. Did you play the 1st?

45Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-15, 15:36



Yeah. Loved it.

46Portal 2 co op partners Empty Re: Portal 2 co op partners 2011-05-15, 22:09


I still haven't played co-op yet, so if anyone's up for it, my PSN and Steam are both pFREDq. I don't have a mic though, so it may be a tad difficult to communicate. Razz

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