I'm thinking about playing some Oblivion right now,but anybody have Left 4 Dead,Halo,Bad Comapany 2?
I have more online games but that's mostly what I play online.
I still want to get the DLC for Resident Evil 5 so I can 100% that game.I already have all the achievements for the regular game.
My GT's JrTapia1991.
I'm thinking of getting that Section 8 game in a couple days.
I'm sure I have more online games I play but my mind seems to have slipped right now XD
I have more online games but that's mostly what I play online.
I still want to get the DLC for Resident Evil 5 so I can 100% that game.I already have all the achievements for the regular game.
My GT's JrTapia1991.
I'm thinking of getting that Section 8 game in a couple days.
I'm sure I have more online games I play but my mind seems to have slipped right now XD