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Because these threads are few and far between now!!

Ron Swanson
Artimise Flare
The Mr. E of Hat
14 posters

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GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD motherfucking friday morning!!!

Hows everyone doin today, huh!?

Me? i've got a head cold/it's been raining for a week now and I wrote a formal complaint letter about my store manager to the big guys upstairs. Other than that i'm FANFUGGINTASTIC.

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

Meh. Too early to tell. Got a stack of folders sitting in front of me of art projects I need to work on. (not that any are bringing in cash at the moment but still) Got a children's storybook illustrations on my computer that is in need of finishin and chances are... I won't do any of it. My money says I crack open one folder...

Other than that IT"S friday~ then again being freelance I make my own hours to begin with. But still....why should I not be happy?



Mr E.

Get that substantial amount of work finished and be content with the fact that you finished it.... Of course now i sound like every highschool mother telling her children to "Just do you homework and get it over with".


good luck to you sir!

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

But Moooooooom~!

It really does suck cause today is like the first nice day I have seen since I got back from my vacation so I'm itching to do anything but sit indoors.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

My night sucked, only reason I'm up this early is because I have insomnia. Got work in about two hours too so yeah ~.~

On the up side, my rifle should be coming into my local dealer today, so I'll most likely just load up on coffee and enjoy that portion of the day at the very least lol. Also, if I'm really lucky, my dumb ass section head won't be in today, meaning it will be nice and quiet and I'll be able to work without being interrupted.



Toothache. Fuck this.



The Mr. E of Hat wrote:But Moooooooom~!

It really does suck cause today is like the first nice day I have seen since I got back from my vacation so I'm itching to do anything but sit indoors.

DON'T YOU "BUT MOM" me mister!!

You WILL sit your ass down and do your work, or so help me god i will bring the worst hellfire down upon you that you will wish for your father to come in and discipline you instead.


The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

HAHAHA maybe a bit thick there tater. My families not Catholic.



I was going for effect. not actuality!




Imma go to fair today. As soon as my friend tells me when. Right now, I'm enjoying my coffee and the though that I don't have to go to work today.

Taters, now I'm dying to know what the guy did for you to file a complaint about him!



Im on my french teacher's computer right now because he's not here and our sub is pretty slow..

"You sure he's ok with you using that computer?"

"of course, we use it all the time!"




waiting for coffee and the kids to get ready for school. Looks like it will be nice today though.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

morning all..... not good morning though, its a darn good thing its friday otherwise I might have to burn this motherfucking place to the ground. I hate work



Sheep: long story short

He's the manager of the story, i've been here two years but with the company for 10. He micro manages everything. checks all my sales what my costs are what my sell price is. bitched at me monday for forgetting my work cell phone while i was on a job making sure things went smoothly. amongst other things he questions everything i do since i've been over here. I haven't had any complaints and havent had any major or even minor mess ups. whenever he does have a question instead of asking me, he goes to my previous boss in another store.

Not to mention he boldly states communication is key here and that we need to know where you are and how long you'll be gone for. BULLSHIT. He's the first one to say atleast 2-3 times a week. "i'll be right back" or "im going to lunch" and disappears for 3-4 hours.

there's gonna be a sit down meeting because this guys gotta go. He yells at everyone in the store and threatens out loud he's gonna fire everyone all the time. He's just not a good person fuck the idea of him being a good manager.


Zillah wrote:Im on my french teacher's computer right now because he's not here and our sub is pretty slow..

"You sure he's ok with you using that computer?"

"of course, we use it all the time!"


lol they will believe anything.



Wow. Sounds like a great guy there Taters!

... I threaten to fire my girls all the time lol. Actually, I just tell them they are fired. I tell my boss that too.



Quit smoking two days ago Sad going through withdrawls and im highly irritable. Also ive been having some crazy ass dreams latley....



Symbolic wrote:Quit smoking two days ago Sad going through withdrawls and im highly irritable. Also ive been having some crazy ass dreams latley....

tobacco or marijuana?



My day is better now that I can feel the left side of my face. I had a root canal and filling done this morning.



Bud- I havent smoked cigs in years. Ive been a daily user for about ten years!

-little secret about myself which most people dont know. I suffer from a pretty severr case of ocd. Pure O they call it(i woby explain, google if you wanna know more) chronic use has made my cobdition much worse. So ive made a life choice for my future.

Plus looking back, I startrd using in a very sad time in my life. My father passed away two weeks after I had spine surgery my jr year in high school. I was an athlete, and as a sophmore had two full ride scholarships offered from kent state and virgina tech! Then came the horrid football injury which ruined my sports I think ot may be time to wake up and clear my head...

Edit-my scholorships were for baseball

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

I have pretty severe OCD myself. I have a lot of compulsions though, so that's a pretty interesting type that you have. I can't imagine not having the compulsions, haha. I can totally see how that would make it worse though, I have really bad tics as well and I can only imagine how bad they would be if I smoked anything haha!

Rarely meet anyone who has genuine OCD (you know, not, "oh man haha I have OCD because I washed my hands) so that's good to know Smile

Do you have tics at all? Or not since you don't have compulsions?

/random turn to this thread



Symbolic wrote:Bud- I havent smoked cigs in years. Ive been a daily user for about ten years!

-little secret about myself which most people dont know. I suffer from a pretty severr case of ocd. Pure O they call it(i woby explain, google if you wanna know more) chronic use has made my cobdition much worse. So ive made a life choice for my future.

Plus looking back, I startrd using in a very sad time in my life. My father passed away two weeks after I had spine surgery my jr year in high school. I was an athlete, and as a sophmore had two full ride scholarships offered from kent state and virgina tech! Then came the horrid football injury which ruined my sports I think ot may be time to wake up and clear my head...

Edit-my scholorships were for baseball

wow daily user? thats a lot of bud man.

Sometimes i think I have mild ocd... (bare with me, im not exaggerating this). I have lots of odd mental ticks, and get things stuck in my head which play over and over and over and over... Theres lots of other small I things i cant help myself from doing that would be kind of hard to explain through text.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

...... I smoke daily too. more often than not several times a day. I'm in the process of jogging and trying to cut back a bit. Its just sooo good though!



MR. T wrote:Its just sooo good though!

Hahaha, i lol'd Razz

gotta admit im sorta jealous of you guys.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

don't be zilla (easy for me to say). When you smoke all the time you don't enjoy it as much, it becomes routine. NTM all the health risks involved.

Did you know I used to run a sub 5 minute mile? take a guess what changed



I do have some physical tics Ms Hat . Im a paranoid checker, always gotta make sure I locked the door many times. Sometimes I get a few.blocks from home and have to turn around and check again ! Friggin stupid I know, but I cannot help it. Also Im a constant fidgeter, always tapping or shaking a leg,.stuff like that.



I shot up a bar, developed nuclear weapons, abducted Morgan Freeman, found out I'm a wizard, found out I'm a girl, found out I have seven wives and thirty children, and I had motherfucking Count Chocula for breakfast.

Best cereal ever.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

just got a pimp-ass suit today Very Happy

so szazzeh. got to wait until friday to wear it properly though Very Happy

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