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Okay, I'm going to try to upload my music now

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Alrighty. I've got it all of my music put into videos, and some of the songs are in the same video. Such as when they're a very close variation, a different version, or just kinda related. When I upload, it may take a while, and hopefully my sister won't complain about me hogging the internet or I may have to wait until very late/tomorrow morning. I'll upload it all, the post in a different topic. If I can post it so it can't appear without a link, I won't delete it. Otherwise, I'll upload, then delete it after a day or so. I'll post another topic when it's done (or maybe just in here, idk). Very Happy



I just decided to put it into the topic where everybody else is posting music, because I figured it would make the most sense. Smile Also, I think most of you have heard it before, so it doesn't really matter I guess.

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