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Where is Stormeye?

6 posters

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1Where is Stormeye? Empty Where is Stormeye? 2011-06-02, 18:27



I haven't seen him once since I've been back. Sad I heard he moved or something?

2Where is Stormeye? Empty Re: Where is Stormeye? 2011-06-02, 18:32



Yeah I think hes living in Hong Kong these days. he drops by about once a week though

3Where is Stormeye? Empty Re: Where is Stormeye? 2011-06-02, 18:38



But it's been more than a week. Sad

4Where is Stormeye? Empty Re: Where is Stormeye? 2011-06-02, 19:12

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

He only posts a couple times then he disapears into the night, but he has been around, and he plans to keep coming back. He just says he is really busy and his internet time is limited.

5Where is Stormeye? Empty Re: Where is Stormeye? 2011-06-02, 20:55



He has been here since you came back because he posted in the Staffroom

6Where is Stormeye? Empty Re: Where is Stormeye? 2011-06-02, 21:02



Oh :/

7Where is Stormeye? Empty Re: Where is Stormeye? 2011-06-02, 21:10

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

He moved back home. Hes running the IT branch of his families business if I recall.
superbusy I hear.

8Where is Stormeye? Empty Re: Where is Stormeye? 2011-06-02, 21:12



I forgot he runs a bit of his own business. I'm surprised he's not even more busy than he is.

9Where is Stormeye? Empty Re: Where is Stormeye? 2011-06-02, 22:28

Air Supremacy

Air Supremacy

He R haz AIDS.

We is sadface => : ' (

10Where is Stormeye? Empty Re: Where is Stormeye? 2011-06-02, 22:37



well according to his twitter.... he broke some ribs recently. affraid

11Where is Stormeye? Empty Re: Where is Stormeye? 2011-06-02, 22:40

Air Supremacy

Air Supremacy

Zillah wrote:well according to his twitter.... he broke some ribs recently. affraid

I want my behbehback behbehback behbehback behbehback behbehback, ribs!
I want my behbehback behbehback behbehback behbehback behbehback, ribs!

CHILAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH's!!!!!!!!!!!!! Beh beh back ribs!

But seriously that sucks.

12Where is Stormeye? Empty Re: Where is Stormeye? 2011-06-03, 03:29



Epyk wrote:He moved back home. Hes running the IT branch of his families business if I recall.
superbusy I hear.

Are they crazy letting him near the Internet like that he probally infected the whole company with his Ghost!


No not that Ghost!

13Where is Stormeye? Empty Re: Where is Stormeye? 2011-06-03, 14:46



Stormeye may have sent the ghost back to me (maybe); my router turns off all the time for no apparent reason. Sad

14Where is Stormeye? Empty Re: Where is Stormeye? 2011-06-03, 16:22



*hums shopping penguin tune*

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