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Assassins Creed Series

Captain Pirate Pineapple
Ars Diaboli
Razzle Snazzle
13 posters

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1Assassins Creed Series Empty Assassins Creed Series 2011-06-03, 13:56



Any fans here? I just finished Brotherhood last night and I loved every moment of it. I delayed on playing it as from the outside looking it seemed rushed after the masterpiece that was number 2. But damn Brotherhood was great. I find myself addicted and fascinated by the story and lore of the series. It has actually forced me to spend multiple hours on my own researching Renaissance Italy, the Borgia's and Pope Rodrigo. I would have glady payed 60 for this game. I havent touched the MP yet, ad Im not sure how that would play out in a game like this. So yea who else loves the games? Ezio is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters ever. Hes just so bad ass haha. CANNOT WAIT FOR REVELATIONS.

2Assassins Creed Series Empty Re: Assassins Creed Series 2011-06-03, 14:07



The only game I have 100% on the achievments is AC2! Loved it. Been waiting on Brotherhoods price to fall a bit before I get it. I loved 1 and 2 though! I think it is a great series so far!

3Assassins Creed Series Empty Re: Assassins Creed Series 2011-06-03, 14:22



I got Brotherhood at Target for 30 bucks. It was totally worth it.

4Assassins Creed Series Empty Re: Assassins Creed Series 2011-06-03, 14:30



The only thing in AC2 that would get me frustrated was doing the vault hunts for the seals to unlock Altairs armor. You'd be jumping and climbing, and then they had the timed mechanisms. Holy hell sometimes you would get to the end of a series of jumps and then fall. I would get pissed! HAHA And finding all the feathers was a hella task. I had to cheat and use a online guide for fonding the last 2 feathers of the game.

5Assassins Creed Series Empty Re: Assassins Creed Series 2011-06-03, 16:05


DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:The only thing in AC2 that would get me frustrated was doing the vault hunts for the seals to unlock Altairs armor. You'd be jumping and climbing, and then they had the timed mechanisms. Holy hell sometimes you would get to the end of a series of jumps and then fall. I would get pissed! HAHA And finding all the feathers was a hella task. I had to cheat and use a online guide for fonding the last 2 feathers of the game.

Yea man, that was a pain. The feathers took me forever. That game was great though.

6Assassins Creed Series Empty Re: Assassins Creed Series 2011-06-03, 19:24



Loved all the AC games, played the first, liked it (it was really repetitive) but it was good, AC2 was awesome, and i"m working on AC:B.

7Assassins Creed Series Empty Re: Assassins Creed Series 2011-06-03, 19:48

Razzle Snazzle

Razzle Snazzle

I've played both the 1st and 3rd, but not the 2nd. I absolutely LOVE the Assassin's creed series! I'm level 46 in Brotherhood multiplayer with the Hellequin unlocked, along with all the other level requirement characters. You ever want to play some time, add me.

8Assassins Creed Series Empty Re: Assassins Creed Series 2011-06-03, 21:09



I've got 2. I played through about half of it and just dropped it for some reason. I really enjoyed the game, but I think that was when I was really starting to get into BC2.

9Assassins Creed Series Empty Re: Assassins Creed Series 2011-06-03, 21:33



I still need to finish Brotherhood.

They have an AC: Revelations for the DS which I am considering getting...

10Assassins Creed Series Empty Re: Assassins Creed Series 2011-06-03, 22:29

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

It's weird but, it's going downhill for me.

I mean, in AC I had a repetitive mission structure, but I had a mysterious story, filled with character development for Altair. It felt like a very "real" story (maybe until the very end?).

Then comes AC2. Better gameplay, but the story is now crappy, in my opinion of course. And Ezio's character is just boring. He kinda grows, but you don't really see it. One day, he just isn't the douchy kid, but a mature person.

And the thing is that the combat sections aren't worth it for me, since I'm accostumed to much better battle systems (Ninja Gaiden and Bayonetta), the platforming is pretty much automatic, puzzles are made with the current generation of games in mind (read: braindead). The weapons and armor stuff was a very nice addition, but something I just expected, so it ended up with me hoping for a good story, which I didn't get.

So yeah, both games are fun for me, but for different reasons. AC1 story > AC2 story. AC2 gameplay > AC1 gameplay. I don't know if I'll care enough to follow the series.

11Assassins Creed Series Empty Re: Assassins Creed Series 2011-06-04, 00:11

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Ars Diaboli wrote:It's weird but, it's going downhill for me.

I mean, in AC I had a repetitive mission structure, but I had a mysterious story, filled with character development for Altair. It felt like a very "real" story (maybe until the very end?).

Then comes AC2. Better gameplay, but the story is now crappy, in my opinion of course. And Ezio's character is just boring. He kinda grows, but you don't really see it. One day, he just isn't the douchy kid, but a mature person.

And the thing is that the combat sections aren't worth it for me, since I'm accostumed to much better battle systems (Ninja Gaiden and Bayonetta), the platforming is pretty much automatic, puzzles are made with the current generation of games in mind (read: braindead). The weapons and armor stuff was a very nice addition, but something I just expected, so it ended up with me hoping for a good story, which I didn't get.

So yeah, both games are fun for me, but for different reasons. AC1 story > AC2 story. AC2 gameplay > AC1 gameplay. I don't know if I'll care enough to follow the series.

This is a pretty accurate description of the series so far. I loved the story of the first game, and would of loved to play as Altiar a lot more. I do like Ezio, but felt like I was pushed to like him. In Brotherhood though, I do think they did address a lot of the complaints of the other games in the series. However, it wasn't without it's faults, such as a couple of the missions near the end, that I really, really, really, really, hated. If you played the game, then I'm sure you can figure out which missions I'm talking about.

12Assassins Creed Series Empty Re: Assassins Creed Series 2011-06-04, 11:03



I just stopped playing Botherhood. No reason, just stopped. I'll finish it, it just seems more like an extension of AC2 then an actual separate game.

13Assassins Creed Series Empty Re: Assassins Creed Series 2011-06-04, 11:51

Razzle Snazzle

Razzle Snazzle

Fox Shepard wrote:I just stopped playing Botherhood. No reason, just stopped. I'll finish it, it just seems more like an extension of AC2 then an actual separate game.

It probably is more of an add on, but it's still really fun because of all the things you have to do in the story mode, there is almost a never ending mission compilation and other things you can unlock, such as altair's armor and sword.

14Assassins Creed Series Empty Re: Assassins Creed Series 2011-06-05, 10:13

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

I loved AC 1 and 2...The story is so intriguing and mysterious. In AC 2 I was totally addicted to trying to find all the parts to "the Truth" video and cracking all the puzzles and codes and such. I was playing Brotherhood but I've kind of stopped since I got into BC2 alot more. I've tried to connect to the mp for brotherhood but I can never find any's always "waiting for other agents" and I never got into a game. I never actually waited more than 5-10 mins but I get fed up with waiting and go play something else usually. If any of you guys still play the mp could you guys add my GT to your fiends list? Would love to try out the mp cause it looks quite interesting.

15Assassins Creed Series Empty Re: Assassins Creed Series 2011-06-05, 12:19

Razzle Snazzle

Razzle Snazzle

HydrasBreath wrote:I loved AC 1 and 2...The story is so intriguing and mysterious. In AC 2 I was totally addicted to trying to find all the parts to "the Truth" video and cracking all the puzzles and codes and such. I was playing Brotherhood but I've kind of stopped since I got into BC2 alot more. I've tried to connect to the mp for brotherhood but I can never find any's always "waiting for other agents" and I never got into a game. I never actually waited more than 5-10 mins but I get fed up with waiting and go play something else usually. If any of you guys still play the mp could you guys add my GT to your fiends list? Would love to try out the mp cause it looks quite interesting.

Is your GT Hydra or Hydrashead? I'd love to play with u btw xD

16Assassins Creed Series Empty Re: Assassins Creed Series 2011-06-05, 12:55

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Razzle Snazzle wrote:
HydrasBreath wrote:I loved AC 1 and 2...The story is so intriguing and mysterious. In AC 2 I was totally addicted to trying to find all the parts to "the Truth" video and cracking all the puzzles and codes and such. I was playing Brotherhood but I've kind of stopped since I got into BC2 alot more. I've tried to connect to the mp for brotherhood but I can never find any's always "waiting for other agents" and I never got into a game. I never actually waited more than 5-10 mins but I get fed up with waiting and go play something else usually. If any of you guys still play the mp could you guys add my GT to your fiends list? Would love to try out the mp cause it looks quite interesting.

Is your GT Hydra or Hydrashead? I'd love to play with u btw xD

GT is HydrasBreath (H and B are capitals)

I'm usually on either early morning or way late at night EST

17Assassins Creed Series Empty Re: Assassins Creed Series 2011-06-05, 13:41

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I have enjoyed the first two of the AC series. MY best friend has brotherhood and he says he likes it better than 2, but I do feel like its a game that they keep pumping out if you know what I mean. Between 1 and brotherhood there really isn't a whole lot of inovation. The actual combat is ho-hum to me, and its actually too easy. just wait, counter, and win. But you never get past the "cool" factor of jumping off a rooftop, and stabbing someone with a hidden knife. Thats the part that I really enjoy about AC.

18Assassins Creed Series Empty Re: Assassins Creed Series 2011-06-05, 15:21



The story in Brotherhood is the best so far in my opinion. Im just a fan of the Borgia's(the most corrupt family in history, research it). Plus I love how you build your guild of Assassins. Makes you feel like a bad ass.

19Assassins Creed Series Empty Re: Assassins Creed Series 2011-06-05, 15:46

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

i played assassins creed one wasn't too big a fan of it got stuck on the missions where you had to kill four leaders(not too sure haven't played it in a while) but i loved assassins creed two might pick up brotherhood when the price drops

20Assassins Creed Series Empty Re: Assassins Creed Series 2011-06-05, 15:50

Razzle Snazzle

Razzle Snazzle

Assassins Creed Series Anime-11

Assassins Creed Brotherhood is this awesome. (See above)

21Assassins Creed Series Empty Re: Assassins Creed Series 2011-06-05, 16:49



I really liked one and 2, although I hated how in 2 they removed having to do a heavy attack to break an enemies guard. I liked the new moves they added in 2, but why remove a mechanic that actually gave the fighting weight and strategy? Idiotic.

Haven't tried Brotherhood yet. Like some others said I thought the time period, story and characters from the first were more interesting than the 2nd.

Honestly if Brotherhood had featured a different character and location I would have bought it day 1.

22Assassins Creed Series Empty Re: Assassins Creed Series 2011-06-05, 17:27



Razzle Snazzle wrote:Assassins Creed Series Anime-11

Assassins Creed Brotherhood is this awesome. (See above)


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