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Duke Nukem Bus Ad

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1Duke Nukem Bus Ad Empty Duke Nukem Bus Ad 2011-06-04, 12:52



I see this advertisement all the time and it always puts a little smile on my face Very Happy Managed to grab a quick picture of the bus with my phone as I got off. Sadly, since I was rushing and I looked like a weirdo taking pictures of buses, I couldn't get a very good one.

Duke Nukem Bus Ad Vyqgb9

Just a little something to share with my SeC brethren / sethren?...


2Duke Nukem Bus Ad Empty Re: Duke Nukem Bus Ad 2011-06-04, 13:11


lol that's great.

3Duke Nukem Bus Ad Empty Re: Duke Nukem Bus Ad 2011-06-04, 15:00



I wish we had cool bus ads where we live; all I ever see for bus ads, are ads for the bus. lol.

4Duke Nukem Bus Ad Empty Re: Duke Nukem Bus Ad 2011-06-04, 15:52



I can imagine all the soccer mom's bitching and complaining about this. Therefore it gets a big thumbs up from me.

Duke Nukem Bus Ad 2855922021

5Duke Nukem Bus Ad Empty Re: Duke Nukem Bus Ad 2011-06-04, 23:38



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:I wish we had cool bus ads where we live; all I ever see for bus ads, are ads for the bus. lol.

lol they always have interesting ads for major releases on buses, trains, and billboards here in NYC.

6Duke Nukem Bus Ad Empty Re: Duke Nukem Bus Ad 2011-06-04, 23:39



Shinma wrote:
Kitsune no Kaji wrote:I wish we had cool bus ads where we live; all I ever see for bus ads, are ads for the bus. lol.

lol they always have interesting ads for major releases on buses, trains, and billboards here in NYC.

Lucky, all it ever does is advertise bus passes, or why not to smoke on the bus and such. Sad I guess NYC has a lot more people that are "vibrant"?

7Duke Nukem Bus Ad Empty Re: Duke Nukem Bus Ad 2011-06-04, 23:56

Razzle Snazzle

Razzle Snazzle

[img]Duke Nukem Bus Ad 4[/img]

xD Bus ads are the greatest

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