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Frostys Balls of Steel (My DNF review)

Dropped Da Soap
7 posters

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Duke nukem is rated R18 (And subsequently banned in Australia Lol) which is a shame since its target audience seems to be pre pubescent boys.

In terms of entertainment it seems to rely on Fart jokes and boobies to keep you interested which is kind of sad since both of those things disappear halfway through the game

As an FPS game the controls feel clunky and are pretty annoying in fact they are almost exactly like Fallout 3's shooting except you dont have the luxury of VATs to fall back on,Not to mention the fights are scattered around with maybe you getting ambushed by 10-15 guys 3 times a level each of which take about 20 minutes if you dont get lost

The reason there is so few fights is because DNF is more like a freaking Puzzle game with you having to hop from platform to platform,Pressing Switches using barrels to redistribute weight,Shooting things to make them fall.The problem with this is you often get lost since there are no Cutscenes to explain what to do,With you instead having to listen to NPC's which are hard to hear not to mention you usually pass it off as whining.Not to mention you seem to get shrunk down to Action figure size every second level.

One of the worst things about DNF is the Load times you remember those 20-30 minute levels? Well it takes a 5 minute loading screen to get into them,Not to mention you have to sit through the same 5 minute loading screen everytime you die (Which happens sometimes due to the Clunky controls making you fall off cliffs,Into Electrified pools,Or simply getting swarmed by hundreds of 1 shot kill aliens while underwater which are hard to hit due to their speed not to mention you have to watch your oxygen at the same time)

Its weapons,You see all those cool plasma guns and such you could use on Halo,Well on DNF Aliens only drop a lame 3 Burst Plasma Weapon or a Plasma Chaingun,The problem with both is how slow the Projecticles move not to mention the warm up time on the chaingun,Most of the game youll probally either use your M1911 (You have to keep the gold one the entire game for a Cheevo) or the Shotgun and Assault rifle,Sniper rifles are provided sometimes but with limited ammo and the cool weapons like the Shrink ray or Freeze ray? Well the Freeze ray is shit because of its range (You can literally punch further and for more damage) And the Shrink ray never has enough ammo and doesnt work on the enemys it might actually be useful for.Explosive weapons like the RPG are only provided for boss fights and the other Explosive weapons fire slow little grenades which cant hit a moving target and take 3-4 Shots to kill anyway.

Pipebombs and Trip mines-Trip mines are almost useless as they never seem to go off and have an activation time on the laser,And pipebombs are actually kind of useful but you cant throw them and forget like a Frag grenade

Bosses you can usually tell these guys are coming up because of the fact the game starts handing you Explosive weapons (The only thing besides turrets which can damage Bosses) Most Boss fights are you versus a giant alien that can take off half your health in one hit,The problem is the game does not give you any cover while you fight them so them plus the minions they invariably summon just destroy you forcing you back into that fucking 5 minute loading screen to repeat the painful process again.

About the only thing i liked about Duke nukem was its Easter eggs which were usually funny.

Certainly not as good as the original PC game

Rating 5/10

Last edited by Frostbyrn on 2011-06-12, 06:37; edited 1 time in total

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Yeah I think you were getting mostly excited about the random easter eggs and references then the game itself in the party earlier.

Still planning on renting it, shame the game is as bad as I have heard.



Ehh... I have it on pre-order, but I've only been hearing bad things, including this, about the game. I think I might just cancel my pre-order and get this when it gets cheap.



Really that bad eh? God I might just switch my preorder to Fear 3 if thats the case...



I'm probably still getting it but not right away. Probably after I beat Fable III which I just ordered.

I didn't really expect more than a B-Game from it, I knew it was going to be sub-par quality. But it's like sometimes I'd rather watch a b-movie than a blockbuster, just because it's mindless fun.

That part that you said it's like Fallouts aiming system seems kinda shitty though. I really think they didn't keep console gamers in mind much for this game, it's probably actually decent in those regards on PC. I've also heard the graphics are 100x better on PC.



I never expected it to be that great, so I'm not surprised. My eye for quality never fails afro

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Duke Nukem has always had these flaws IMO. This sounds like every other DN game that I have ever tried. Don't be afraid to give this game a 2-4 rating Frosty. 5 should be an average, decent game. This sounds more like a 3 to me based on the review. Is there anything good about it?



I went into GS today and cancelled my pre order. I switched to F3AR. Ill get Duke when its like 20 bucks. Ive looked at some video's and it does indeed look like garbage. Archaic shooting mechanics were ok in 1995, but this is 2011 for christ sake.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I can't stand when a SHOOTER plays like Fallout 3. Fallout is a great game, but it has nothing to do with the shooting mechanics



Just "Sir" will do wrote:Duke Nukem has always had these flaws IMO. This sounds like every other DN game that I have ever tried. Don't be afraid to give this game a 2-4 rating Frosty. 5 should be an average, decent game. This sounds more like a 3 to me based on the review. Is there anything good about it?

Just the humour but that is really immature one of the first things you can do is pick up a turd and throw it at stuff

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