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Ron Swanson
Captain Pirate Pineapple
10 posters

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1IT'S FRIDAY!! Empty IT'S FRIDAY!! 2011-06-17, 09:43

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

What's everyone up to on this Friday? It's still too early for me (8:45 AM) as I went to bed at roughly 4 AM. Thank your God for me that I don't have to work today.

2IT'S FRIDAY!! Empty Re: IT'S FRIDAY!! 2011-06-17, 10:24



It's my Monday, the weather is perfect, so I'm planning on being slammed today at work. Yay. ><

3IT'S FRIDAY!! Empty Re: IT'S FRIDAY!! 2011-06-17, 10:37



Work my ass off all day then go home and get drunk and play da box.
Head a very rough week and Friday didn't get here quick enough.

4IT'S FRIDAY!! Empty Re: IT'S FRIDAY!! 2011-06-17, 12:59



It's friday i'm still un-employed and i have a mild sinus infection!! WOOT

btw i haven't been on here in a few weeks!! HEY EVERYONE.

5IT'S FRIDAY!! Empty Re: IT'S FRIDAY!! 2011-06-17, 13:10



Been missin' ya, bad Tater! Haven't seen you on Live either so come on back, bro.

6IT'S FRIDAY!! Empty Re: IT'S FRIDAY!! 2011-06-17, 13:40



Aww that sucks Tater! Hope you find something soon! Even if it's something crappy to hold you over til you find something better.

7IT'S FRIDAY!! Empty Re: IT'S FRIDAY!! 2011-06-17, 14:12

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

we were just mentioning htat nobody had seen da tater recently, Hey buddy!

I have Friday off today, but only because I have to work Saturday Sad

8IT'S FRIDAY!! Empty Re: IT'S FRIDAY!! 2011-06-17, 14:13



i'm online now. i may be useless however as this head cold sucks!

9IT'S FRIDAY!! Empty Re: IT'S FRIDAY!! 2011-06-17, 14:19

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I will be playing tonight, but not for another 6 hours Sad

The GF is about to kick me off the comp so she can do stupid homework Rolling Eyes

10IT'S FRIDAY!! Empty Re: IT'S FRIDAY!! 2011-06-17, 14:27


Friday is payday and workday for me.

11IT'S FRIDAY!! Empty Re: IT'S FRIDAY!! 2011-06-17, 14:30

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

I just got off of work. Now I don't know what to do for the rest of the day. Probably play some Morrowind until the rest of my friends get out of work.

Tomorrow we made plans on drinking frozen margaritas all day.
Or maybe we made plans to make weed brownies and smash them up into milkshakes. It's one or the other, I know I can't do both.

Sunday is family time with a father's day cookout. Should be a good weekend.

12IT'S FRIDAY!! Empty Re: IT'S FRIDAY!! 2011-06-17, 15:31



13IT'S FRIDAY!! Empty Re: IT'S FRIDAY!! 2011-06-17, 15:54

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

+1 Lovin

14IT'S FRIDAY!! Empty Re: IT'S FRIDAY!! 2011-06-17, 18:04

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Hmm, its 2:03 PM here, and I just woke up after going to bed at at 1:30 in the morning.

I guess that 20+ mile bike ride I took, topped by a total of 7 hours of sleep over a two night period, and 14 hours of work really took more out of me then I thought/

15IT'S FRIDAY!! Empty Re: IT'S FRIDAY!! 2011-06-17, 18:09



Namine wrote:

16IT'S FRIDAY!! Empty Re: IT'S FRIDAY!! 2011-06-17, 18:17

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

God, that chick is so stoned and creepy looking,

I don't care how horrible the comments are, yo uhave no reason to cry for anything.
Your probably crying on the way to the bank with the shit ton money you made.

then her mom pissed me off.
"I could have killed somebody!!"

Pfft, its your fault for spending 2000 bucks to secure your little girl in the role instead of making her audtition like everyone else.

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